Ok I probably didn't spell that right. I was wondering if anyone drives these for extra cash. How much can you make in a night? Where do go to get involved? Any other fun stories too. Thanks

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i wouldnt mind owning one...decking it out ala pakistani truck like...taking people for rides along the lakeshore. 20 bucks for a half hour? im guessing something like that needs a vendor permit tho. would be a fun thing to do.
Interesting. I have the complete opposite reaction. I get a little jealous that I don't own and opperate a pedicab. Getting people to take one instead of a regular cab means no emissions, they get to ride a bike as part of a job, and they get to show people first hand the joys of being on a bike who normally wouldn't be on one (even if they are just along for the ride). Plus, any pedicab driver (is that the right term?) I talk to seems genuinly happy, which is understandable. I'm with h3 on this one.

Follow your dream Davo!

Video_Drome said:
h3 said:
Video_Drome said:
Thanks for taking up the bike lane!!



in all seriousness, i'm so bummed when I see these things. Going soo slow and taking some yuppies on a nice cruise. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

honestly, the whole bike lane. the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeee bike lane.....

And I have hope when I see them.

I wonder what the owner of the company thinks. if hes on here....

well, if he is...i'm glad you're out makin loot. but im sick of seein these fuckin things. I hate cabs enough, but now we combine a cab, with taking up the bike lane.....yeah thats no good.
I would love to own, one of these. Can they be leased?
Just so I get this right.

You are against something that gets people out of oil powered cabs and into something peddle powered?

You believe that waiting a second or two, doing a shoulder check and then passing a pedicab is soooooo hard that we should just ban them or something?


Video_Drome said:
h3 said:
Video_Drome said:
Thanks for taking up the bike lane!!



in all seriousness, i'm so bummed when I see these things. Going soo slow and taking some yuppies on a nice cruise. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

honestly, the whole bike lane. the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeee bike lane.....

And I have hope when I see them.

I wonder what the owner of the company thinks. if hes on here....

well, if he is...i'm glad you're out makin loot. but im sick of seein these fuckin things. I hate cabs enough, but now we combine a cab, with taking up the bike lane.....yeah thats no good.
When I took one in San Diego, the chick wanted to charge a goddamn fortune, this is why we negotiate before hand. They were slow, but I was drunk. So it was fun. Plus she was cute.
Really, does anyone know if you can lease these things. I would love to just be able to pick on up and ride around on my off days. I am usually on my bike anyway and would love to make a buck or two while I am at it.
Check out this one for sale on Craig's List in Minneapolis!

iggi said:
i wouldnt mind owning one...decking it out ala pakistani truck like...taking people for rides along the lakeshore. 20 bucks for a half hour? im guessing something like that needs a vendor permit tho. would be a fun thing to do.
I've wondered about doing this myself. I believe there's someplace you can lease them but I don't remember the name of the company. I wonder about licensing but, more than that, I wonder about insurance. Theoretically, if you have an accident you could have the pants sued off of you.
Chicago Rickshaw.

Daniel Villarreal said:
Really, does anyone know if you can lease these things. I would love to just be able to pick on up and ride around on my off days. I am usually on my bike anyway and would love to make a buck or two while I am at it.
I did a google search for "Chicago Pedicab" and got two companies.


Looking over both sites, I get the impression it is more like self-employment with Chicago Rickshaw, but I didn't look through the sites too much.
Relax a bit video drome. As much as I'm not a fan of them, the rickshaws have just as much a right to the bike lane. Hate to tell you this, but your reasons why they don't belong in the bike lane are a lot like the reasons drivers give for bikes to stay off the road.
Question answered, you're ignorant.

Even when working as a messenger in the day time you are seeing the minimum of pedicabs and while no expert if it is to big of a deal for you to avoid them then you are probably a crap rider...

Video_Drome said:
notoriousDUG said:
Just so I get this right.
You are against something that gets people out of oil powered cabs and into something peddle powered?
You believe that waiting a second or two, doing a shoulder check and then passing a pedicab is soooooo hard that we should just ban them or something?


Video_Drome said:
h3 said:
Video_Drome said:
Thanks for taking up the bike lane!!

in all seriousness, i'm so bummed when I see these things. Going soo slow and taking some yuppies on a nice cruise. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

honestly, the whole bike lane. the wholeeeeeeeeeeeeee bike lane.....

And I have hope when I see them.

I wonder what the owner of the company thinks. if hes on here....

well, if he is...i'm glad you're out makin loot. but im sick of seein these fuckin things. I hate cabs enough, but now we combine a cab, with taking up the bike lane.....yeah thats no good.

I'm against things that take up the entire bike lane. You know, things like trucks unloading when theres a loading zone like 4 feet down, taxi's swerving over to let people out or let people in, and yes, these things too. sorry, but it's not "getting people out of oil powered cabs" the way I see it. The way i see it, if these fools (the ones who ride in the back that is) want to be GREEN, then get a bike. easy as that.

ice ice babyyyyyyyy

and I am not going to shoulder check, and slow down when i'm working and I have like 5 minutes to deliver a package on the mag mile (which is where i seem to see these when im working). I'm going to go as fast as i can, and burn these pedicabs. burn 'em


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