Heyyyy chainlink friends


I am trying to figure out an economical way to get to Detroit for Christmas.  Does anyone here want to go in on a rental car with me?  Or if you have a car and room, would you like me to cover the gas?  I have two small dogs, both great in the car (one caged, one is not but will seriously just sleep the whole time because she's old) which is why I can't do the bus thing.  Seriously hoping this works out as I might not get to go home otherwise!  Please let me know!



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I'm heading to Plymouth sometime around the 22 or 23 If you'd like a ride east, but I'm doing south to Kentucky before I drive back to chicago after christmas. 

Thanks!  If I can only find one ways, I will let you know! 

Lucas Seibel said:

I'm heading to Plymouth sometime around the 22 or 23 If you'd like a ride east, but I'm doing south to Kentucky before I drive back to chicago after christmas. 


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