We've got a few coming up in the next several weeks.

Weather permitting, we'll start our monthly 3rd Sunday rides on 4/21.  On 4/27, we'll be working with the Openlands TreeKeepers program to plant approx. 25 oak trees along the trail north of 127th St.  On 5/18, come on down for our Ride to the River - more info on that event will be posted shortly.

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This is not an FOMTT event, but it's one worth joining: Slow Roll on 10/18.

Slow Roll Chicago - it's what's happening this Saturday 11/15.  Come join the ride and meet people from all over the city. http://www.thechainlink.org/events/mending-broken-fences-a-communit...

Are you coming to Slow Roll tomorrow?  Hope to see you there.

We have a trail workday TOMORROW - Saturday morning - from 9 a.m. to noon.  We will be cutting back brush along the trail between 127th and the river bridge to minimize the problem of overgrowth later in the year and improve riding conditions in this area.
There will also be an Earth Day festival happening at Whistler Woods just south of our location.
Please click on the link below to get more detailed info and to register so we know how many people to expect. Even if you can't attend for the whole event, please register. It helps lot so we can have adequate tools, etc.

Earth Day workday next Saturday (4/22).  Please go to the link below for info and to register.


Roll to the River is happening this Saturday 5/22. Event info here:



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