Ride to Northbrook Cyclocross Race Sunday. Meet at Ravenswood Metra at 9:45 am

Hey all,

I'm planning on riding to the cyclocross race this Sunday in Northbrook.  

Group ride link here.

We will meet at The Ravenswood Metra at 9:45, leaving at 10 am.

It's only about 15 miles or so each way (and there is a metra nearby if you don't want to ride back).

*** Special thanks to Michael Young and Ciclo Urbano/West Town for lending me the bike!!!!

The schedule for the day can be found here.

FYI - Watching a cyclocross race is tons of fun if you have never been.  The fans are there to heckle the racers and ring cow bells- essentially make fun of them.  Here are a few blogs to learn about cyclcross in Chicago - As The Crank Turns, Bonebell and Chicago Bike Racing.

 I'll be racing  at 12:45 in the Women Cat 4 race for Team Chainlink (ha) so feel free to yell stuff at me.  I'll for sure be in the back so you will easily know who I am.  Actually, the juniors start 2 minutes after the Women's Cat 4 but will quickly pass me, so again just look out for the slowest lady wearing a chainlink jersey.

Here is a picture of me coming in dead last in Wauconda (but it was fun!)

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i'm in. thanks for doing this. are you going to race too ?
yep! Cat 4 :))

dan brown said:
i'm in. thanks for doing this. are you going to race too ?
I'll try to come too!
Im likely going to miss this weekend but have SO much fun.
see you there!
I created an event as well for the ride here.

Weather forecast - 62 and sunny!
62?!?!?!? Mmmmmmmm

Julie Hochstadter said:
I created an event as well for the ride here.

Weather forecast - 62 and sunny!
Racing with the 4A's this time!

Julie Hochstadter said:
yep! Cat 4 :))

dan brown said:
i'm in. thanks for doing this. are you going to race too ?


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