I am planning a ride down to the Paramount Room tonight for dinner.  The bonus is possible snow for afterwards, but is is also a fundraiser where all you need to do is eat and drink to help out.  There is a raffle (and a darn good one) if you can do more, but not a requirement.

The route starts at Lawrence & Lincoln, then down Lincoln, Damen and Milwaukee to 415 N. Milwaukee.  Please see details below - the ride takes place tonight starting at 7pm.  Once there, we'll hang, eat, drink and chat.  If we get the expected snow, it should be a great evening for a snow ride.

Thanks for your consideration!  Please RSVP if you can, whether you will be attending or not.  Good to get a headcount to see how much of the street we will fill!


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I saw a card at Bikram Yoga (WP) that there is a benefit for Shawn (the bartender). I know him - he is a really nice guy. this is right on my way home - I will plan to stop by.
i will try to stop by on my way home from work. Hopefully you will be there late!
I am willing to wait - unless the snow is extra beautiful. Contact me and let me know what time!
Good ride, the promise of snow, and good people to ride around with and me leaving for L.A.
Have one for me John.
i wouldnt mind trying out their steak tartar
Sounds good to me.


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