The southbound lanes of Sheridan(1200W) just north of Pratt(6800N) haven't been remarked since they've been repaved. And it's been a damn long time, especially given that there's a left turn lane at this intersection.

I don't want to contact the 49th Ward when I'm unsure and be given the runaround.

Does anyone know for sure who would be responsible for getting road markings painted?

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Not sure what a "damn long time" is, but they're much faster at marking lanes than resurfacing streets. If they're still resurfacing in the Ward, they'll finish that first then send a crew back to line everything in 2-3 days.
It's been at least a month. I guess I should revert to North Shore to Clark for a few months then.


Kevin Conway said:
Not sure what a "damn long time" is, but they're much faster at marking lanes than resurfacing streets. If they're still resurfacing in the Ward, they'll finish that first then send a crew back to line everything in 2-3 days.
Sounds like it's important to you, so call the alderman's office. Call ATA. Call CDOT.
Hey Ryan; Yes you should call your alderman's office . He would be the one to get things done. Yeah a month is way to long. They usually will finish the street then start another one,as they started the 2nd one the guys that tape will come 1-2 days after tarred . This tape is temp. after that ward's done they'll paint it.
Good to know, John. :)

I'd like some damn lane markings on the southbound Sheridan lanes at Pratt.

John said:
I like chocolate milk.
i have noticed the same thing on southbound Halsted just past Archer (between Archer and S. 26th St). i've called 311 about it in the spring; perhaps it's time to do so again! (i also notified them of the super-faded markings between 26th and 29th on southbound Halsted... more than once i've seen oblivious motorists driving over the bike lane)

ryan, did you have any luck with the alderpeople?


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