Anyone know how to request that CDOT install the non-slip "Kathy plates" on a bridge? I've been coming across Webster in the morning and it has nada for non-slip surfaces. I usually take the lane to ensure that I have enough room to wiggle (and get past the parked cars on the other side), but I've had a few people pass me reeeeeeeeally tightly and it makes the balancing act even more tricky.

I'm happy to write to CDOT, fill out a form, contact the appropriate alderman, etc. Maybe all of the above?

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Throw one in for the Chicago Ave bridge while you're at it!

Yeah that Webster crossing is treacherous but there aren't many options in that area outside of Fullerton or Cortland. 

I believe a petition was circulated to get those plates installed on the Kinzie bike lane. I'm not sure a few voices will get much action but perhaps you can start an online petition. Get enough signatures and the alderman might get the city to install them. I'd be willing to sign. That bridge is in the 32nd ward and I don't know anything about the alderman Scott Waguespack. 


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