So I'm getting my stereo trailer ready for the summer, and thought it would be cool to open up the playlist to everyone. Got a ton of requests last year, but couldn't write them down because we were all riding.

Looking for punchy, energetic, feel-good music!

Reply with your song requests and I'll add them to the playlist.

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something by Rise Against ;-)
ooh ooh!
what about some racer x?
or Chicago's own, Slapstick!
Does it all need to be metal?
I second some reggae (so many to choose from!) and Manu Chao (same).

Why not some Rolling Stones, too? Emotional Rescue, perhaps?
Been super obsessed with RJD2 - Smoke and Mirrors, Since '76, The Horror...anything by him really!
Not sure if it's too late to add one more song, hopefully not.

Pantera - Floods (from The Great Southern Trendkill)
"What Goes On?" by Velvet Underground is perfect for the occasion, I've always thought. Esp. the live version from 1969

As for metal--gotta like Don Caballero, right?
We kept falling back throught he crowd trying to catch some good tunes but never saw you. There were a couple others with sounds but it was ok


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