I'm getting relocated to London (fingers crossed that all goes well with my work permit) and I was thinking of shipping my bike or taking it with me on the plane but now I'm reconsidering. I've had my pink hybrid raleigh for a few years now which I purchased off craigslist for a good price and have had a few tune ups and alterations. I like my bike, it's treated me well here in Chicago and it would be nice to have something familiar with me in London but is it worth the hassle?  Should I sell my bike and get a new one in London?  Thoughts?

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I would check out http://london.craigslist.co.uk/bik/ and see what kinda of bikes are avaiable in your budget. Then you can see what would be cheaper. To get a used bike in london or ship yours.

Looks like Craigslist isn't so popular over there in London.

I'd vote for selling your bike and getting a new one there. It would cost at least a couple of hundred dollars to ship a bicycle, I think. The cheapest option for getting it there might be to box it and check it as luggage when you go over, but that's probably still around $200 depending on the airline.

Bon voyage!


If your company relocates you for an extended period of time, they should pay for the cost of moving your stuff. In that case ship your bike with all the other goods.


That is what happened when I moved to the US. My employer set a budget, and as long as I didn't exceed it, they didn't care what I shipped. I ended shipping all my belongings, except electronics and electrical stuff

Neat question.  It makes me stop and think.  Personally I would pack up all my tools and ship them but not bother bringing a whole bike -maybe a few choice parts in my luggage or packed in with the tools.


Bikes are cheap and available everywhere in the world.  I'd just buy a basket-case (or 4) on Craigslist or whatever they have in London that is like Craigslist and rebuild it.  That's what I do when I want a bike here and it wouldn't be any different in another land. 


I'd stash all my other stuff and bikes with my parents in WI for the duration.  They can't really complain too much since it is MY house and I let them live there for free other than paying the taxes/utilities/upkeep out of their SS checks (if that isn't cut off next month.)


Shipping a bike overseas seems a little bit wasteful in my opinion but wouldn't be too bad if one was really attached to it but it often costs much more than any of the bikes I own are worth even if one boxes it up oneself and do all the work.  The work is pretty much almost the same as what one would need to do to rebuild a used bike anyhow.  Maybe even more.


Shipping is pretty expensive just within the continental US.  I bet it's pricey to Europe.  It's not nearly as asinine as shipping a car (some crazy people do this) or a motorcycle but still pretty darn costly for what you get.   They have perfectly good bikes over there I'm pretty sure -as well as cheap used ones if you know how to wrench.   


If you really want to ship then contact your airline and ask them how much it will cost to bring along a bike.  Contact your LBS and see how much it would be for a box and to have it packed if you can't do this  yourself.   Then figure in having it re-assembled on the other side.  My guess is that you could buy a new bike cheaper.  Don't forget to figure in the costs of the return trip someday if you THAT attached to your bike...

Thanks for everyone's input and valid points!  I think I'll see what my relocation package includes first before I decide what to bring with me.  I am leaning towards just getting a new (used) bike once I'm settled in over there.

Check with your airline regarding bike shipping. British Airways wont charge you extra for bringing a bike (in a bike box) if you substitute it for one of your checked bags. I bet you could pad the bike with a bunch of clothes and not miss out on much packing space



Another option is to ship the bike via FedEx, UPS or one of the others if you have an address already overseas or have it shipped aby someone here after you get there. I have done this within the states and found it to be cheeper than flying with my bike.

I brought my bikes with me when I moved overseas. I ended up regretting that (selling the bikes while I was there) and then bought a coupler equipped bike when I returned to the US, mostly because the style of bike I wanted wasn't available in the country I was in. 


Another option, too, is to just bring the bike sans wheels and get new ones while there. Wheels can be found pretty cheap just about anywhere and frames can fit in a package that's within the airlines limitations.

Cool! You're moving to London! I just moved back to Chicago last summer after six years in London. It's awesome. And now that they have the Barclays Bike Scheme (similar to the Paris Velib scheme if you know it), everyone seems to be riding, especially if you're in the Islington/Clerkwnwell/Shoreditch area. (Message me if you need neighborhood advice.) There's a great coffee shop called Look Mum, No Hands on Old Street that caters to biking commuters. 

When I was relocated to London, I got a set amount for moving and it covered moving everything in a small 1 bedroom apartment. I brought my bike with me, which was great. So I'd vote for bringing your bike with you if your company gives you a relocation package. No reason not to. The Barclays bikes (or Boris bikes, named after Boris Johnson the mayor) are good but they are heavy suckers and not the fastest.

Craigslist isn't so popular but try Gumtree if you need to. Bikes for sale on Brick Lane are the equivalent of bikes for sale at Maxwell Street Market so don't do it.


Hi Krista,  I'll be sending you a msg soon once you approve for us to be friends :)


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