I want to get a good pair of rainproof/windproof pants to be able to ride as often as I'd like this winter. Jeans are not optimal for these conditions, as most of you probably know! Do any of your have any that you can recommend? Hopefully not too expensive... you know how the economy is nowadays.

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IceBike recommends these guys: http://www.foxwear.net/. They're made to order to your specifications.
Thanks for the tip, I will check them out. Dude, you have a very impressive name, like a big shot jeweler or something!

Kristian M Zoerhoff said:
Kristian M Zoerhoff said:
I use the Nashbar house brand rain pant. Not terribly breathable, but definitely waterproof, and fairly cheap. They're thin, though, so you will need something warm underneath.

Correction: I have the Performance Bike rain pant. Same folks, different brand.
i also have the performance pants. they were fairly cheap-- like 30 or 35. i got them big and just wear them over jeans.
My shop recently started selling the raingear from O2 Rainwear, a small company based in Minneapolis -- and the feedback has been really great. Quite honestly, before finding this stuff I really thought inexpensive & breathable cycling rainwear was an oxymoron. (We usually sell much higher end rainwear from Craft and Ibex). They sell a $30-35 pair of pants that perform as well as stuff costing 3X. The only obvious downside is that you will kind of look like a dork in these bright yellow pants, but they're a lot better than the Performance/Nashbar gear which just isn't breathable. They do fit baggy, and are designed to be worn over your regular pants.

This guy's review is what originally tipped me off to them:

Check out the Sportmensguide on the following website: www.sportsmenguide.com I order from them all of the time. They have a military surplus catalog that is great at finding bike wear. They have Gore-tex bibs for 22.97. Also carry wool mittens, from varous countries along with hats, ski masks and wool sweaters. They have lots of other good stuff for Cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can also check out steepandcheap.com or chainlove.com . They usually have outdoor or cycling gear cheap (~50-70% off msrp). I've seen gortex rain pants for about 50-60 on steepandcheap. The only catch is that they only list one thing at a time so it may take browsing for a while to get things you want.
I wouldn't recommend the cheap Performance/Nashbar rain pants. They are waterproof, not breathable. They are fine for a 1/2 or less commute, but not much more, or you will be soaked.


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