Thursday is Winter Bike to Work Day, and Active Trans will be celebrating in the morning with a warming tent and goodies at Federal Plaza. Stop by between 6:30 and 9AM for some Caribou coffee and Eli's Cheesecake. Federal Plaza is located at Adams Street and Dearborn Street in the Loop.


If you're not already a winter commuter, this is a great excuse to try it out. Find some tips to prepare here:


Question of the week for winter commuters: What's your favorite piece of winter cycling apparel?


Be sure to RSVP to our Chainlink event posting at



Lee Crandell

Membership Director

Active Transportation Alliance

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I'm ready but not looking forward to it.  Freezing rain/sleet is the work of the Devil I tell you!


Wait, is Turin setting up a commuter station in Evanston...

I'll be sitting at The Chainlink table!

Unfor we may not have the Chainlink shirts I was hoping for.... but maybe the vendor will follow up. 


Bike Winter will be representing as well! 

Active Tran's blog write up here and Serge's pictures are linked on the event page.
I love them because they are toasty AND you can tell cars they are number 1 if needed!

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Yeah, these are very good. Better than Lobsters :)

H3N3 said:

What's your favorite piece of winter cycling apparel?


Probably the Novarra Stratos gloves I bought in November. They've made my hands/fingers a non-issue this year.

I still have two of them.

I told my mom that CBS was on sight for the bike to work winter day and had interviewed me so she did a search and found an article. 


It looks like WBBM did run a story on bike to work winter day.

You can read the print version or listen to the story here:


I was mis-quoted in the print version though: "“It means sitting in traffic. That’s pretty crazy,” Miller said."


It should say, "It beats sitting in traffic.  That's pretty crazy"



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