Thursday is Winter Bike to Work Day, and Active Trans will be celebrating in the morning with a warming tent and goodies at Federal Plaza. Stop by between 6:30 and 9AM for some Caribou coffee and Eli's Cheesecake. Federal Plaza is located at Adams Street and Dearborn Street in the Loop.


If you're not already a winter commuter, this is a great excuse to try it out. Find some tips to prepare here:


Question of the week for winter commuters: What's your favorite piece of winter cycling apparel?


Be sure to RSVP to our Chainlink event posting at



Lee Crandell

Membership Director

Active Transportation Alliance

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I'm ready but not looking forward to it.  Freezing rain/sleet is the work of the Devil I tell you!


Wait, is Turin setting up a commuter station in Evanston...

I'll be sitting at The Chainlink table!

Unfor we may not have the Chainlink shirts I was hoping for.... but maybe the vendor will follow up. 


Bike Winter will be representing as well! 

What's your favorite piece of winter cycling apparel?


Probably the Novarra Stratos gloves I bought in November. They've made my hands/fingers a non-issue this year.

I still have two of them.

Active Tran's blog write up here and Serge's pictures are linked on the event page.
I love them because they are toasty AND you can tell cars they are number 1 if needed!

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Yeah, these are very good. Better than Lobsters :)

H3N3 said:

What's your favorite piece of winter cycling apparel?


Probably the Novarra Stratos gloves I bought in November. They've made my hands/fingers a non-issue this year.

I still have two of them.

I told my mom that CBS was on sight for the bike to work winter day and had interviewed me so she did a search and found an article. 


It looks like WBBM did run a story on bike to work winter day.

You can read the print version or listen to the story here:


I was mis-quoted in the print version though: "“It means sitting in traffic. That’s pretty crazy,” Miller said."


It should say, "It beats sitting in traffic.  That's pretty crazy"



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