I thought this was a pretty good score for bike advocacy. It seemed to me like an acknowledgment that bikes are an important  transportation choice and the preferred choice of the demographic that the festival attracts.

Big props to Lee D for being his usual one-man-army and putting together a great resource.

Also to Brian K who worked the entire weekend in the bike security area, basically without a break.

And a tip of the helmet to Martin H. who rescued 2 gals who losttheir keys and had to have their locks cut off . . . he took time out from his Sunday evening plans in a far corner of the city to help them, when they seemed to have no other option.

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May be next year "cyclist center". MAD props to all of those who did volunteer for the event.Your hard work did not go unnoticed.I think a lot more people rode bikes to the event because of you.A BIG thanks to all who helped out!! PS. American Red Cross is having a blood drive today(July19) at 2300 N Orchard at Lincoln Ave until 7pm today it's the Lakeview/Lincoln park area. Thanks and Kid Sister FREE concert at millennium park also tonight.I think it start 6:30 ?
My .02—it would be nice if next year one of the sponsors (or a new sponsor!) could provide some tubes and patch kits. I didn't at all mind using all mine up, but I had a limited supply.
Congrats everyone, we heard it was great! Hopefully next year Active Trans will be able to be able to hang with everyone else instead of being stuck with the "nonprofits."

Kudos to Lee and everyone involved along with shout out to the Reader and Cliff's Two Mile Challenge for supporting such a cool effort.

Ethan, with Active Trans
yeah, Friday night we had a girl come to the tent with some mechanical issues and we couldn't help her. We did give her Adam from Pedal To The People's number though.

Dr. Doom said:
My .02—it would be nice if next year one of the sponsors (or a new sponsor!) could provide some tubes and patch kits. I didn't at all mind using all mine up, but I had a limited supply.


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