So I rode out to the Burnham Greenway today and got a little confused once I left the Wolf Lake area.  I was trying to get to the southern part of the Burnham Greenway trail to ride out to Lansing.  I rode to a corner where Avenue O seemed to become Burnham Ave.  I'm familiar with the area, soI didn't know which way to proceed.  Luckily, I came upon a cyclist who was coming in the opposite direction.  I asked him for directions, and he proceeded to take out a bike map and show me how to get where I was going.  He then gave me his map!  He also let me know that a new map was being released soon.  We wished each other a good ride and went on our way.  I don't know if this is someone who reads this site, but just in case......THANK YOU, again!  More often than not, I encounter A-hole drivers, raging pedestrians, and other evil doers.  It was really cool to come across someone who would just be cool to a complete stranger. 


Anyone else want to send a "shout out" to someone that made your day while out riding?



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I was waiting to cross a busier street with no light (I forget which one) on the Old Plank Road Trail on Saturday, and a car stopped traffic so three of us could cross the street. He smiled, waved, and then drove off.
I had a flat midway thru my 25mile ride this past weekend at Montrose and Clark-ish. While I did have a patch kit and an extra tube I left my pump at home and someone was kind enough to stop, help me out and use their pump. Thanks again you saved an otherwise great day from going horribly bad.

Great thread by the way! Things like this restore my faith in humanity or at least Chicagoans.
A year ago I was in Riverside enroute to Lyons and ended up getting a flat. Didn't have a patch kit with me but the house I ended up stopping in front of had a boy who was eager to help even if his idea of fixing a flat involved duct tape. Needless to say that didn't work but his grandmother ended up driving me to a bike shop in Berwyn to get a new tire. Needless to say I was very grateful given that it would of taken a long time to get home from Riverside via public transport.


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