This might be a little late, but hopefully not.  I really (really) wanna do some Ragbrai this year.  I could sign up by myself, which sounds fun (no) or I could join a team.  Since I can't seem to convince any of my friends (they are crappy friends) to do it I was hoping I could hop on a team on here.

Anybody have room for an extra?  I heard there were buses or RVs or something - are there?  How do most people get on out to Missouri? 

Soooo..... lemme know if you've got some room and when you're planning on handing in your packet and all that.

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PM Daniel Brown, he organized a planning meeting last week or so. Not sure what came out of that.
Ryan - good timing.

Kelly (from Chainlink) and Brett may have an opening and have a sweet RV arrangement.

Join the RAGBRAI group here on Chainlink - and then we will go from there.

also : ATTN Alan (Ortiz) - you need to get in on this also. As we will do a headcount too
to see who all can go with whom (I know Martin and hopefully Marne will also be included).
and we are coaxing Julie H., et al to join too.

feel free to email me off list also with any questions, etc.

In addition to contacting Daniel Brown, join the RAGBRAI group that is part of Chainlink. That will give you a place to try to get similarly situated folks together. I know that last year several people from that group got together for the ride.

As far as "handing in your packet," you should register for the ride soon. Like yesterday. Registration closes and the Des Moines Register actually uses a lottery system to cull the vast numbers of people that apply to ride. You're going to need that registration regardless of particpating in a group.

While I am sure there are other clubs / groups from Chicago that do RAGBRAI, the only one that I can think of right now is Chicago Urban Bicycling Society (CUBS). I don't know anyone on that group, and don't know whether they take new members, but it's something. (The group I ride with is based in Fort Madison, IA, and is full.)

There are also a number of charter companies that are pretty good as well. Look at the RAGBRAI page for links to some.

Finally, you know the ride is in Iowa, right, not Missouri? In fact, this year the ride is across the northern part of Iowa, so you're going to be closer to Minnesota than Missouri. If that matters.

Good luck!
I thought the deal was you dip your tire in the Missouri.

Okay, I just re-educated myself on geography. Turns out Missouri is south of Iowa and Nebraska / North Dakota are over on the west side there.... Minnesota to the North. Got it. I was confused by that whole river-named-after-a-state thing.

Also... on the registration. I thought your chances of making it through the lottery were better if you registered as part of a group. That way its harder for them to cut out a whole group of people from the lottery than an individual?

Joining the Ragbrai group..... now.
Joe said:
As far as "handing in your packet," you should register for the ride soon. Like yesterday. Registration closes and the Des Moines Register actually uses a lottery system to cull the vast numbers of people that apply to ride. You're going to need that registration regardless of particpating in a group.

We did Ragbrai in 2008 and I met a Ragbrai rep at the Chicago Bike Show before we registered. He said that if you register on time as an individual or small group your chances of getting a number are close to 100%.

Also, once you get close to the ride, you will find lots of offers for registration, often at a price way below face value. Just scour CL, BF, eBay, and the Ragbrai forums.

Or you can be like the thousands of bandits and just ride unregistered.....
Ryan said:
I thought the deal was you dip your tire in the Missouri.

You can start your ride by dipping your wheel in the Missouri river, but most people do not. Sometimes, RAGBRAI actually has tubs of Missouri river water for people to dip their tires in, because river access from the starting city is problematic. I acknowledge the tradition, but am not die hard about the wheel dipping.

Also... on the registration. I thought your chances of making it through the lottery were better if you registered as part of a group. That way its harder for them to cut out a whole group of people from the lottery than an individual?

I believe that if you join certain groups you've got a better chance through the lottery. My bet is that CUBS is one of those groups. I'm not sure whether Johnny's Just Made Up Group to Get Through The Lottery or Louie's Group that Will Ride This Year, Maybe, But Probably Never Again gets the same consideration.

In any event, if you don't find an already established group to join, get at least a couple of people together so that you register a group with RAGBRAI. As I recall, all group registrations have to be submitted by the end of March, so it's not something you want to wait until the last minute to do.
Duppie said:
We did Ragbrai in 2008 and I met a Ragbrai rep at the Chicago Bike Show before we registered. He said that if you register on time as an individual or small group your chances of getting a number are close to 100%.

I've been told this as well, but know a couple of people that registered on time and didn't get selected. They were bummed. But then...

Also, once you get close to the ride, you will find lots of offers for registration, often at a price way below face value. Just scour CL, BF, eBay, and the Ragbrai forums.

Getting the wrist band turned out to not be that big of a deal. Getting the group recognized is not as easy, however. Having a recognized group gives benefits like getting a vehicle pass, and stuff like that. Otherwise, it can be a hassle (although not at all impossible) to bring a vehicle along for the ride. (Vehicle being great for carrying bags, beer, etc.)
Large groups are alotted a pre determined amount of Registstrations. Some charge a flat fee others charge by what you want (bus ride haul tent a etc. If you go by yourself or with a small group contact the overnight town for people who well let you camp in their yard, shower and use the Bathroom at odd hours.
Good luck ..curt
With a northern route, you are likely to dip your tire in the Big Sioux River rather than the Missouri.
Sioux Falls is where the Big Sioux and the Missouri divide. Map

Ryan said:
I thought the deal was you dip your tire in the Missouri.

Okay, I just re-educated myself on geography. Turns out Missouri is south of Iowa and Nebraska / North Dakota are over on the west side there.... Minnesota to the North. Got it. I was confused by that whole river-named-after-a-state thing.

Also... on the registration. I thought your chances of making it through the lottery were better if you registered as part of a group. That way its harder for them to cut out a whole group of people from the lottery than an individual?

Joining the Ragbrai group..... now.


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