I am leading a group of 13 riders from our club this year, all of varying abilities.  I am trying to get a sense of which days riders would perceive as harder or easier for this year's ride.  (I'm a Coloradoan, so getting 4,000 feet of climbing on a ride just comes with the territory!)

Thanks in advance!

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Weather is more a factor than anything. As others have stated, it's rolling hills but no shade ever. If it's hot, there's no real escape. So make sure you (and your group) know how to pace yourself, hydrate yourself and don't overdue the partying in the evenings. A good rule of thumb when drinking is one bottle of water for every beer.

This year we end up in Davenport, and it always killed me how hilly downtown Davenport is. But that's common for end towns on this ride since you're in the Mississippi river valley.

There'll be stands selling smoothies of ice and fruit. I highly recommend those. They can cool you down, and refresh you all at once.

That first day of this year is one of the hilliest I've seen, but in typical Iowa fashion that means a lot of rollers with a few nasty climbs. The only thing that'll make it hard for a Colorado rider like yourself is the heat.

Also there are towns putting on the equivalent of County Fairs every 15-20 miles, so there's plenty of opportunity to rest and get food and drinks. Again, just don't overdue it if it's a long hot day. 

Most people suffer from weather, dehydration and exposure issues more than riding issues. So pacing yourself and keeping hydrated is important. I've seen 80 year old ladies do this ride, and they just take their time and don't push it too hard, and they do great.

Have a great ride! 

The first day you are climbing up from the Missouri River, so even the flats will have a small climb.


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