Last night when I did my coffee stop at Dunkin next door to my house, some random guy in the store starting blaming me for an abandoned tall bike locked up on Church Property just a few blocks away from me, really quite aggressive and rude I wish to add. So, I talked to the pastor this morning. It has been there for over a month not moving, looking ratty and aggrivating the locals. The Church folk are planning to remove it, SOON. Normally I would not care, but because I am the most visable freakbike in the hood around here. Foster/Broadway. I know most people will assume it belongs to me. This makes me look inconsiderate and thus look Badly in the community. If this bike belongs to you, please come get it and move it. Descrip: BROWN taller mens Varsity Frame with girls frame on top. Pretty ratty, some ticker tape stuff wrapped on top frame. I'd hate to see someone lose this bike just because of a little neglect. If it is yours, please send me a note.

Now my real question(s) are .... Do I cut the lock and bring it home and wait for someone to claim it ? Or do I let it get taken and junked never to be seen again ? It is quite ridable and intact. Either way it is going to be gone within a week. Personally, I despise bike theives. I get angry when people strip bikes and all that is left eventually is a frame. I think the stolen bike registry and bike stings are totally cool. 

So ...  am I acting in everyones best interests (including my own) or would this action make me a common thief. I am not worried about police because they like me around here and I am not really trying to steal it. I am not applying this question to any other type of scenario involving an abandoned bike, just this particular situation and how other people in the bike community percieve this as I am only attempting to resolve a situation.

Reasonable, perspective or entertaining Comments welcome (but please keep any insults via private message please) - Thanks

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Cut the lock, take it home and put the word out on Rat Patrol's listserve that you have the bike...
I think since the church is going to remove it and it will be gone forever that you should cut the lock and hope the owner contacts you. Replacing a $50 lock to get your bike back from certain doom would be worth it if it were mine. I personally feel like you are doing the owner of the bike a favor, even if you are "stealing" his bike. You are posting it for all to see and hoping the owner takes heed and comes forth.

Most people wouldn't be willing to help someone out like that.
i agree with jack its not really stealing if you have plans to help keep this persons bike safe from the garbage.
Hey Chuck ... J.P. Banned me from posting on the Ratlist 3+ years ago because I did a very angry rant after someone said something about me that was TOTALLY UNTRUE and I felt like I needed to save face. Even after I begged forgiveness and PROMISED not to do it again, I was still banned from the moderator(s). If your down for it, go ahead and post this link. I really don't talk @ them very often anymore, I just can't keep up with the scene. These days I am hanging down @ montrose Harbor on a sailboat. I am on my way there now so I won't be checking this thread till after 9pm. Can't wait to see what everyone thinks about this. It will influence my decision.

Chuck a Muck said:
Cut the lock, take it home and put the word out on Rat Patrol's listserve that you have the bike...
Jack said:
... I personally feel like you are doing the owner of the bike a favor, even if you are "stealing" his bike. You are posting it for all to see and hoping the owner takes heed and comes forth.

Most people wouldn't be willing to help someone out like that.

Yes. It is right thing to do in this case.

I wonder if you could bill the church for disposal. Perhaps you could get them to get G*d to forgive you for something unrelated? Or don't they do that anymore?
i think Luther put an end to that...

Perhaps you could get them to get G*d to forgive you for something unrelated? Or don't they do that anymore?
Marty, good work. Chuck did post this to the rat list, linking to here.
That bike is in my hood, and I've seen it there for many months, possibly back to winter.
Wait a few days, then rescue it.
Removing 3rd party abandoned property from private grounds with permission of the gounds' owner is not stealing. That's called community service. Take it home. I bet the "owner" never shows.
you sound like someone with a good heart. or at least good intent. I say take it down an save the bike from immediate destruction. If no one claims it and you cant find the owner, just remember: At least its not being melted down or crushed up into little pieces.

next to bike thieves, I despise those who waist bikes by leaving them to rot on some corner... though not as much as I despise bike thieves which you wouldn't be in my mind.
I wish was not home so early on a nice day like today. I also wish that I was doing this to be nice and out of good heart. Unfortunately, that guy yelling @ me at Dunkin Donuts blaming me for something I have nothing to do with, and having my balls busted on Chainlink for no good reason has traumatized my delicate balance of being a passive good natured fellow. This is a pure experiment of being practical and letting honest and reasonable people influence my thinking and actions rather than haters and people who twist the Truth around because they may not agree with what I say or just because. I am big fan of that (the Truth). So now I get to stick up for myself, make an interesting post and help solve a problem that effects more than just myself, and map out a common ethics issue I do not think that has been really explored much here, how ever so trivial. So the Truth is, whoever has left that bike there is making me look bad. That is the core reason. I am tired of it. I live in this hood and generally people dig me. It would hurt my feelings to think anyone around here for a second would think I am inconsiderate or rude. I worked for the Lutheran Church for a long time as well and I owe them. Tallbikers in general are not united. Only of couple of fellow tallbikers actually like me anyway, This is not done it out of sense of solidarity. All totally selfish reasons. I don't have a problem with it. I also want to make sure I am making total sense and everything I say here comes across like it supposed too and I am not misquoted or made to look like some kind of azz again. So, it all amounts to a passive aggressive action on my part using the blog to accomplish a bunch of things at once. It think that is pretty awsome and a good way to waste my valuable time as well. Will someone please disagree with me and make this really interesting ?

Glen (FTF) said:
you sound like someone with a good heart. or at least good intent. I say take it down an save the bike from immediate destruction. If no one claims it and you cant find the owner, just remember: At least its not being melted down or crushed up into little pieces.
next to bike thieves, I despise those who waist bikes by leaving them to rot on some corner... though not as much as I despise bike thieves which you wouldn't be in my mind.
I want to ride it!!! If no-one claims it, let's go on a ride! (unless it's not in good shape!)
Your in great shape, ha ha....

Barbra Mann said:
I want to ride it!!! If no-one claims it, let's go on a ride! (unless it's not in good shape!)


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