Sorry to post such a horribly tragic story, but the subject of "bait bikes" comes up here from time to time. I have no use for GPS technology in my life and have not followed it, but is what this guy supposedly did fairly simple to do? Or is there possibly something 'off' about the way it's described?

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Got $75 and a computer?
I'll throw in $25

i've got a gps alarm on the landslide which can text me, email me, and call my cell phone (also do the same for three other people) if the trike is ever disturbed. there's also an option to send an alert if anybody's with 50 ft. if it is ever stolen it can be easily be tracked on the web on any browser. if web access isn't available there is a phone menu capable of administering to all this as well.


...and the audio alarm can be silenced for stealth or entrapment.


dewalt mobilelocks are usually a $400 item (though i can get one directly from them for $100 new.) it does incur a $20 startup and $15 per month service fee, 15¢ per locate or a better deal when locates are bought in blocks, but every month there are 5 free locates incremented to the account.


For some reason, I don't think the use of GPS is the real issue here.  I'm leaning more towards the whole murder aspect being the real issue.
This makes me support the death penalty.

This makes me support better regulations on gun sale & ownership.

Minh said:

This makes me support the death penalty.
This makes me think that bad shit happens no matter what the laws are.

Don't let shoddy reporting reporting change your opinion on the death penalty.  Although there is evidence that he researched the death penalty laws in Illinois, there is no evidence that this had any impact on his decision to kill this woman.  Some reporter with an agenda made this leap and now everyone is reporting it as a fact.  He may simply have been curious.


Even if Illinois had the death penalty and this was a determining factor in his decision to kill or not kill the woman, it wouldn't have taken much research to determine that less than 1% of killers are executed.  Given these odds it is likely he would have continued with his plans.

Minh said:

This makes me support the death penalty.


Here are the question that come to my mind.

He should forfeit his life means his life should be taken.  Which means that some power should take his life,  Is that correct ?  What is that power ?  Does that power have anything to do with how he purchased a gun ?   Does having a gun make it easy to kill someone ?  How about without a gun ?  Does it make sense to try to prevent a murder ?  Is the death penalty a good preventative measure ?  And if it is good, do we like it ?


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