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Surprised that you gave into fear propaganda MARK. Were both of the other drivers texting so the first didn't noticed she had crossed the lane line and the second t-boned her?

But in case you haven't noticed: motorists don't pay much attention to anything.

Try jay-walking out into fast moving traffic sometime to see what lighting fast reflexes they have...

Needless to say, I'm alive because of good drivers - and that goes for a couple near misses in DC as well. I was a total A-HOLE in my early twenties when I rode DC streets by the way...needless to say I probably owe those folks a few favors. But that was before texting!
I can't count on all of my fingers and toes how many drivers I pass or meet at intersections that are texting while driving. It makes me want to use my u lock for a much different use than securing my bike. Sometimes I knock politely on the window of the offender, other times I have yelled loud enough to startle the driver even with their windows up. The CPD has no real way to manage this kind of regular infraction. What is a biker to do? Strap in and hope to high hell that I don't get hit from behind or the side by some asshole that can't wait until they are not driving a f-ing vehicle down the road. I used to see "cars are coffins" t-shirts when I lived in Minneapolis, but I think we need "cars are couches" t-shirts in the Chi-town area to really offer the sentiment that I see everyday when I am biking. At any rate, this is a good PSA! I hope some day the majority of people that could drive will not out of fear of killing others. Until then, if I catch you on your cell texting near me when I am biking, I will fuck up our car and then I will come for you and "hell is coming with me!"
i typically like my manufactured paranoia to include at least a few people getting straight up crushed

I'm ambivalent about these PSAs, but they do bring to mind a big pet peeve of mine: bicyclists texting and talking on cell phones while riding. I see it all the time, and I have made it clear to my friends who do this that I will not ride with them unless they put their phones away.

Of course, one of them agreed to put her phone away for me, but lit up a cigarette to smoke while we were riding on Montrose during rush hour. So I don't know how useful it is to get in a huff about riding distracted.
Dunno about anyone else, but this viddie scared the urine outta me. Watched it this AM w/o the audio and it's haunted me since. Maybe it's because i've lost friends to stupid wrecks, or maybe because it was just realistic enough... although reality would probably be even bloodier.

Anyway, a hyper-realistic PSA like this would NEVER be seen on US TV out of fear that someone somewhere would find it offensive ... Odd, really, considering the usual fare of TV violence, stupidity, and T&A. IMHO this PSA or an Americanised version should be aired in heavy rotation in prime time on ALL channels. If it jolts just one clueless driver into thinking twice it's worth it. If it offends, tough...
The Brits seem to be especially good at scarey PSA'a. eh?

Put this one on US TV along with the other one. Sadly though, i'm afraid a lot of people would find these more entertaining than anything else...

i'm beginning to understand why people join monastaries and convents.

root said:
i typically like my manufactured paranoia to include at least a few people getting straight up crushed
A while back, some local agency in New York created some similarly graphic PSA about cyclists getting hit by cars. I think the idea was to warn drivers to be watchful, but the overall impact was to make cycling look incredibly dangerous. I like that this one focuses solely on driver behavior. My only criticism is that a lot of people think that only teenagers are guilty of texting while driving, which is becoming less and less true, and this video reinforces that idea.

M.A.R.K. said:
PSA's are fine with me as long as they are true to fact of what is really happening. And a lot of these laws, while good on paper don't seem to flow over into real life. I use drinking and driving as an example cause tons of TV ad's are focused on this. The US has a use it and lose it law for minors, but the actual penalties are non-sense. 16 y/o kid gets caught drinking and driving in Illinois, the first offense if losing license for 3 months and 6 if he refuses to blow. Second offense is 1 year and 2 if refuses to blow. For adults, they say on he first offense you lose your license for a year, with more and more years tagged on for multiple offenses. But I have known people who have gotten DUI's and did not lose their license for a year but six months and had to get those temp licenses to get to work and such. I have also known people in the past who have gotten up to four or five, some involving crashes and were still allowed to drive. How does this happen? It seems more like driving is becoming a right then a privilege these days.
Well, ya Mark, you could be yelling at your woman with your head turned and the same thing could happen. Are they gonna make that illegal too ? I think I really have a hard time watching that kinda stuff these days.
It is hard to imagine what offends people with the PSA. Blood and death are offensive? Maybe they are squeamish or uncomfortable but offended? I certainly hope they aren't offended by the notion that not paying attention while driving can have serious consequences. Offended that texting while driving increases the chances of a serious accident?

When I was taking drivers education in high school (yes I know it was a very long time ago), they showed us movies of car wrecks and burned bodies and police going to wake up parents at 3AM to say their kid was dead. They were effective and certainly in the same class as the youtube video.
Just so everyone knows, this (to me is not an offending video), look the the mainstream media for that. Anyway, I have a hard time viewing the actual impact, all the blood, emotions, fear. This I can stomach because it pretty well documents a real life situation. I am sure it is quite effective as well., Stuff like Inglorious Bastards and similar I am not hip on anymore. I mean I am not a total prude when it comes to sex, violence but I just would prefer to flip the screen. You don't hear me crying about Braveheart or Lorg or the rings..... I know what it is like to be in a car wreck and walk away while others were carried away (and no I was not driving or intoxicated at the time). Maybe that is why it is a little upsetting.


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