
What a beautiful weekend. I hope you are all storing up the vitamin D for the short days ahead.

Tomorrow, Liz and Shar are hosting a fleece cutting party to help ramp up production so we have many goodies to distribute at this month's Critical Mass.

Please chime in on what you think our ratio of balaclavas, ear gaitors and neck gaitors should be. I used to be all about the balaclava, but Alex and Willow opened my eyes to the ear/neck gaitor combo, and I have heard from others that the neck gaitors from recent years (thanks Willow!!) have been helpful.

Also, there has been some talk about doing a little BW presentation before the ride.  If you are interested in helping out, email Julie and Lowell at



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My Google-fu has failed me... can you describe or post photos of gaitors and balaclavas?
Here are some examples of balaclavas and neck gaiters:
Why does anyone call them balaclavas?
The proper term is ninja mask. Awesome awesome ninja masks.

Leah Jone said:
My Google-fu has failed me... can you describe or post photos of gaitors and balaclavas?
Three hours until cutting time. What should we make the most of: neck warmers, ear warmers or face masks? Balaclavas are slightly more difficult and fabric intensive.
i vote neck!! i use mine all the time
Who can help make some fleece goodies for a Northwestern event (see BW group thread here)?

Liz? Willow? Gin? Ash?
I have a small bag of stuff left over from the last give away that I'd be happy to part with but with Kidical Mass and the Ugly Sweater ride this weekend I don't see having much time to make any new ones. I believe the whole bag is gaitors.

Let me know where I should drop them off.
Great. I'll be in touch about how I can get a few. Probably time for another party!

Ash L. said:
I have a small bag of stuff left over from the last give away that I'd be happy to part with but with Kidical Mass and the Ugly Sweater ride this weekend I don't see having much time to make any new ones. I believe the whole bag is gaitors.

Let me know where I should drop them off.


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