
Does anyone know of an optometrist in the NW suburbs that carries prescription cycling sunglasses?

I need to get a pair ... and don't feel comfortable ordering that kind of thing online.  I need to be able to try them on and have assurances that a lens error can be corrected.



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What I usually do is buy the cycling glasses and R lens insert I want and then bring the Rx insert to my eye doctor to put in the lenses. He always tells me he's not responsible if the insert breaks while putting in the lenses but that has never happened and even if it did, the insert is pretty inexpensive.

Where do you buy your glasses & inserts?

Gopher Biker said:

What I usually do is buy the cycling glasses and R lens insert I want and then bring the Rx insert to my eye doctor to put in the lenses. He always tells me he's not responsible if the insert breaks while putting in the lenses but that has never happened and even if it did, the insert is pretty inexpensive.

The last time I got Rx inserts filled I got the glasses/insert at Performance in Northbrook. Bolle makes them as well. I am due for new ones, so I'll be looking soon. Your optometrist might have a catalog with some options. Scott Optical in Wilmette used to carry them (Rx goggles too); I might stop in there this weekend - I'll let you know if I see anything.

A friend of mine recommended Barrington Eye Care (  I'll be talking to him tomorrow and probably check them out soon.

Gopher Biker said:

The last time I got Rx inserts filled I got the glasses/insert at Performance in Northbrook. Bolle makes them as well. I am due for new ones, so I'll be looking soon. Your optometrist might have a catalog with some options. Scott Optical in Wilmette used to carry them (Rx goggles too); I might stop in there this weekend - I'll let you know if I see anything.

I have a pair of Rudy Project glasses with prescription inserts that I have worn for years, and really like. (The glasses I have use interchangeable lenses, which mean that I can use the glasses in a variety of conditions, including at night).  The company has a variety of models ranging glasses with prescription inserts to models that have prescription lenses only.  Various opticians / optomotrists carry the brand and can do the work.  Go to their site to see whether there is someone near you (

Lenscrafters works with OAKLEY and they make a cycling specific lens that does not "blur" when you look back. They were not cheap but to be able to look back for other riders and cars without waiting for your eyes to adjust to the motion was well worth it. Mine have lineless bifocals and transition from clear to a dark smoke. Being able to read street signs, judge distance more accurately and still be able to read my bike computer is about as good as it gets.

I joined just to say thank you for this! I just moved and my commute went from mostly South/North to mostly East/West, into the sun both ways. I was just thinking, "I need child-sized, prescription sport sunglasses, but where on earth would I find that?" And then you showed up. ADS mentioned in the Bike Commuters link has those. Hurrah!


@David - any luck finding anything that works for you?

I've got an appointment with an optometrist in a few weeks.  They carry a number of sunglasses that an handle prescription inserts.

Gopher Biker said:

@David - any luck finding anything that works for you?

FWIW: I decided not to get the prescription cycling sunglasses ... after regular glasses, contacts, and the sunglasses, the total would have been close to $1000 (even with insurance and discounts).

I'll just wear contacts with regular cycling sunglasses instead.

Thanks for everyone's input.



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