So I'm thinking of having who ever would like to join, over to my apartment next Tuesday, the 14th, for some Halo Reach.  
Over the years, I've always gotten together with friends anytime a new Halo has come out, and we play for hours on end.  This time is no different, except I'm in Chicago now.  We'll still be playing, but I wanted to see if anyone else would like to join.  This is not an official invite, I'm just feeling it out.

Some details, and potential problems...
I live in Lincoln Square.
I can provide electricity, bandwidth, a place to sit, and beer.
You would need to bring your own game, xbox, monitor or small tv, and headphones or small speakers.  I've got 1 extra (shit) tv, and set of speakers.  And to make dragging all of your shit over to my place even more fun, I live on the 4th floor.
I'm most likely working Tuesday and Wednesday, so we would start around 6 or 7, and you'd have to be out by 1 or so, unless I end up with Wednesday off.  

The more I think about this, the more it may be a bad idea.  Lots of hassle and set up, limited gaming time, etc.

Anyone interested?
Thoughts, questions, concerns?

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Way to hype your party, dude.


How's about we hit The Huettenbar or some of the bars on Foster like K's Dugout, or create a Dive Bar on Foster and Lincoln pub crawl and talk about Halo over copious amounts of liquor instead?

Or better yet, ponder Halo over liters of delicious German bier in the wonderful respite that is the beirgarten at Resi's?

*Disclaimer: I've never seen "Halo" nor do I know what it is beyond a video game but this won't stop me from having bier.


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