I'm not a lawyer and I'm not pretending to be one, but I'm quite sure that any good lawyer would strongly advise you not to post anything online about an accident past "I was just hit, is there a lawyer you can recommend?" or the like. This is for good reason—among other things, what you post will likely be found by a competent lawyer, and any inconsistency between what you posted and what you've said in any other context will be used against you. Might not be a bad idea to add a mention of this to the posting guidelines, just as a lot of people probably aren't aware of it or aren't thinking of it as they're understandably shook up from an accident and looking for advice.

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Wouldn't they have to prove that it is you who posted on this site? I imagine that might be hard since most of us use psudonims (sp) and not our face on our profile. Ok my face is on it but i digest
With well-reasoned, timely posts like this, you're putting your supervillain status at risk. I am a lawyer and I approve of your message.
they can get email address's from user names and tie it to you. and if you have a public profile on myspace or facebook. u should always turn it to private.. anyone can join this..then maybe meet up with you later at a chainlink bar night and u find out the dude u met is the same ass that is defending the dick that ran u over...never know.
Dr. Doom:

I am a lawyer and your right.
If you're a lawyer you should know how to properly use and spell "your" and "you're"

Brendan said:
Dr. Doom:

I am a lawyer and your right.
I'd go with "you're right."
I just graduated from UChicago law and I know enough to know that you'd have to have some specific knowledge of litigation, not just lawyerly subjects, to say so affirmatively. But in any case, it makes sense to me and worth considering.
Yep, you are correct. Sorry about that.

Weir's beard said:
If you're a lawyer you should know how to properly use and spell "your" and "you're"

Brendan said:
Dr. Doom:

I am a lawyer and your right.
Davo. DIGRESS. Not digest. Ha.

No I meant digest... I was on my lunch break

Jessica said:
Davo. DIGRESS. Not digest. Ha.

In that case, digest away, my friend! =D

Davo said:
No I meant digest... I was on my lunch break

Jessica said:
Davo. DIGRESS. Not digest. Ha.

I'd agree with that—which isn't to knock people who have posted about accidents—and add that people should really bear in mind how many miles everyone on this site is laying down when thinking about these reports. Relative to how many chances they have, people are getting into very few accidents!


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