
The article names a David Brown, it's chainlinker Dan Brown. No final call on status but hoping for the best.

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If on the North Side and ya wanna tip one (A few) in his honor i'm gonna head to Gio's on Damen, and do that and hope for a miracle.


Headed there now and you know where i live...

I think actually at Gio's :p
Dan Brown starrin at Aaron Bussey's junk (in a speedo.)

Oh no. :( Come on home, Dan.

I think he was admiring his vuvuzela.

Vilda said:

Dan Brown starrin at Aaron Bussey's junk (in a speedo.)
"I used to do drugs in the 70's. Now I don't care what the temperature is."
Iron Mike and Our Dan!

So sorry to hear about this.


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