Anyone hear of Riverwoods police ticketing bike riders on Riverwoods Rd., St. Mary's Rd., Everett Rd., Duffy Ln., and Portwine Rd. for blowing stop signs? I frequently ride here and I don't need the hassle.

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And why shouldn't they ticket cyclists for blowing signs?
Not saying they shouldn't. Rumor I heard and want to confirm is they want full stop foot down or track stand. Slowing in the queue of cars at a four way stop sign and going in turn with rules of the road is not enough for them. Also heard they were ticketing for more than one abreast by invoking the ride as far to the right as practical rule.
Well, yes, this sort of thing tends to peak in July/Aug with the large number groups using the roads up there. "Some" of these groups are more notorious than others, and in fact the Lake Bluff PD lays in wait for one in particular....It's been a big bone of contention with residents and motorists up in that area for a few years now.

I rarely put much faith in these rumors. Don't see anything mentioned on the North Suburban or McHenry County blogs about it?

I'll be up there later this week, I'll see if i can get busted! :)

Roger Hitchings said:
Not saying they shouldn't. Rumor I heard and want to confirm is they want full stop foot down or track stand. Slowing in the queue of cars at a four way stop sign and going in turn with rules of the road is not enough for them. Also heard they were ticketing for more than one abreast by invoking the ride as far to the right as practical rule.
Times are hard. Riverwoods has a small population. Time to increase the revenue stream. Seen increased patrolling/lurking on Portwine enforcing 25MPH lately (cars...)

Bikes are slow and easy targets.

i'll add that there's a lot of flouting of the rules by cyclists on the roads you mentioned. More and more in recent years...
YES! I often ride with these groups and often we go very hard and typically attack the overpass on everett heading into riverwoods/everett intersection...which at the bottom of the overpass is kind of a fast rolling descent which typically entails the first few riders stopping if cars are present...or slowing enough to allow the group to roll through which gives the appearance of a "blowing the stop sign"...

this week on my ride which takes me up north riverwoods and then east on everett, i saw one police car hiding out of sight on the south bound side of riverwoods north of intersection, i then witnessed multiple cop cars heading west on everett...they were anxiously heading west on everett in sheer excitement at the possibility of giving out 10-25 tickets...eeewww the joy!

since i know the route of the 'crazy' groups coming east on everett I shouted at each one "COPS AT RIVERWOODS!"

not sure if it worked...

btw, this sort of big group biking sting thing was going on in glencoe/wilmette last month...a coupla time they would ride behind us and yell on the speaker phone "SINGLE FILE" got me to thinking....are we NEVER supposed to pass another cyclist on the road? EVER? It is such a petty thing to do in regards to law enforcement.


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