The Chainlink

I noticed two policemen speaking with a biker this morning at Van Buren and Plymouth. They got his ID and it looked as they were going to write him a ticket. I didn't see what he did so I can't speak to if it was warranted or not. However, I did find it ironic that this whole thing transpired at an intersection where cars hardly ever come to a complete stop even though there is a stop sign, which has been problematic for me both as a pedestrian and a biker. Anyways, I guess it is just a heads up that it may be a sign of greater enforcement of the rules of the road this summer.

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The bike cops are coming back.

As they did last year, Chicago Police and "bicycling ambassadors" from the Chicago Department of Transportation are taking to the streets this spring and summer to talk to cyclists who are doing something that might get them hurt -- like ignoring traffic signals or riding at night without a light.

Police, parking enforcement aides and bike ambassadors also will be educating motorists who park in bike lanes and open car doors into a bicyclist's path. Twenty events will take place May through August focusing on dangerous behaviors that put cyclists in harm's way.

The "Share the Road" campaign starts Friday 6 to 10 p.m. in the 42nd Ward along the Lakefront Trail and in River North. Police and bicycling ambassadors will target cyclists riding after dark without a front white headlight, issue a warning, and provide information regarding the rules of the road for cyclists.

The Chicago Police Department is using a new training video at roll call to make sure officers can enforce traffic violations that endanger bicyclists, according to the city. Also, the Department of Revenue's parking enforcement aides have received training on enforcing the city's bike lane parking ordinance, which carries a $150 fine, up from $100 last year.
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The views expressed in these blog posts are those of the author and not of the Chicago Sun-Times.

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grayson said:
I'm not saying I welcome being ticketed but it would be worth the money and time just to have the story about the look on the judges face when he probably dismisses the ticket.
If the cop even shows up, 90% of the time they dont.


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