
Stolen Purple Handcycle


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pam Redding <>
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM
Subject: FW: Look out for this stolen purple handcycle
To: Stephen Maiseloff <>

PLEASE keep an eye out for this handcycle!  Please forward onto your contacts.

Once the thief realizes that it is so specialized, it may be left in an alley or by the side of the road.  We are hoping that someone will see it so that it can be recovered and returned.

We in the Paralympic community know how pricey this equipment is, and also know its owner very well as one of our key advocates.  She wants everyone to be aware of the boldness of the theft (please read the links below) and use this incident as a reason to be extra vigilant with your own equipment, please!

We appreciate your help to post the attached flyer and spread the word about this missing equipment.



Pamela J. Redding

Director of Paralympic and Disability Sport

World Sport Chicago

200 East Randolph Street, 20th Floor

Chicago, IL  60601


(312) 861-4848 office

(847) 323-4049 mobile

(312) 861-4801 fax

Look Out For This

Stolen Purple Handcycle



Thieves stole my wife's custom-built purple “Top End Force” handcycle out of our condo building garage in the Albany Park neighborhood, Chicago, on Friday, September 16, 2011. She has a disability, uses a wheelchair and almost no other people will be able to use her cycle without modifications, because there is no place to put your legs (they must have thought it was a recumbent bike.) Since it will stand out on the used bike market, I'm hoping that they just leave it somewhere instead of selling it for scrap metal.


If you see this handcycle, please call Kevin at 1.773.368.7313 or e-mail


(Police report filed; Alerts posted here: & here: & here:


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