In short, We need your help. Building a track is a lot of work. 

We are working each day at 87th and Burley. There is a job for all skill levels and strengths. People are there everyday from 7 to 7. While whole days are great, working a couple if hours is awesome and still helps. Don't worry about bringing tools we have what you will need. Wear a good pair of shoes or boots. We have work gloves but if you have feel free to use yours. The sooner it is finished, the sooner we will be able to ride on it. 

You might ask yourself, why should I help? Because it is the right thing to do. The track is going to help a lot of people. Youths in the area will have a new sporting outlet, some have already been working full days to build it. Others we couldn't let help because they are too young. In a year or two you'll see national champions come from an area that didn't know what a velodrome was. Will it get built without you? Yes, we aren't just going to stop, but it's worth it for you to help. We know that during the week people have full time jobs and commitments, but any amount of time is great and will help a lot of people.

When you do help, besides helping the area, here are some additional things you can get out of your time. We will give a good amount of track time to people that work. And while you are working, besides being feed and hydrated during the day, you can also pick the brain of track designer/coach/racer Dale Hughes. He has been building tracks for years and has a lot of stories. But mostly you want to help because it a great thing to do.

Also you can learn the secret shortcut to take when racing.

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This is really close to my mom's house. On my next day off I am totally up for helping.


This sounds very cool - what kinds of tasks are involved?



This is kind of close to my home. I'll try to find time to stop by and help. No promisses as to when but I will be by there soon...

@Rowbike Mike: nothing to complex, it's pretty much a large puzzle that gets bolted and pieced together. There is something for everyone.


@Elihu and Christian, Congrats then, as you now live next to a velodrome. We have community meetings every third monday(today infact) at the southshore center at 86th and green bay ave at 7pm. And any help is much appreciated. 

"In a year or two you'll see national champions come from an area that didn't know what a velodrome was."


Do not be fooled; national champions are not made in a year or two unless they have significant genetic, monetary, or coaching advantages, preferably all three.


However, you can have a blast riding a velodrome without having any of these.  

@Chixieonfixie, You might be surprised. The biggest advantage in track racing, a junior(and really anyone) can have is just having a track to train on. Further in juniors fields having a strong motor can put you well ahead.  A lot of the kids from the area that are interested in the track already have a running or track and field background. This alone is possible the best background to have.

Also, we have the help and coaching of Randy Warren and Reid Schwartz, national and world track champions. Both are very interested in seeing track champions coming from the schools in the area.

I hope that you can make it to the track.

I'm pretty sure the guy building the one in Chicago also built this one in Michigan just to give you an idea of what it might be like. Unfortunately no one was riding the day I was there.

Yep same guy, ours is a little different material and shape wise.
Will the track be open to amateurs/public to ride on at certain times?

Yes, the first few weeks will be intro class to get everyone used to riding on the 50 degree banking, but then there will be a lot of open training through out the week. We are planning to have racing on friday/saturday/sunday. With Friday being like Northbrooks Thursday and Sunday being like Northbrooks Friday. Saturday will likely be tt events. 


There will also be opportunities for people to get certified to run the intro classes and oversee open training session(not coach, just run).



I didn't get this message till today (Tuesday). I would have been there so I plan to put this meeting in my calandars to remind me next time.


Thanks, ...Always Forward,



Spartacus said:

@Rowbike Mike: nothing to complex, it's pretty much a large puzzle that gets bolted and pieced together. There is something for everyone.


@Elihu and Christian, Congrats then, as you now live next to a velodrome. We have community meetings every third monday(today infact) at the southshore center at 86th and green bay ave at 7pm. And any help is much appreciated. 



When does racing start?  This season or next?  What is the target date for the intro classes, etc.?

Spartacus said:

Yes, the first few weeks will be intro class to get everyone used to riding on the 50 degree banking, but then there will be a lot of open training through out the week. We are planning to have racing on friday/saturday/sunday. With Friday being like Northbrooks Thursday and Sunday being like Northbrooks Friday. Saturday will likely be tt events. 


There will also be opportunities for people to get certified to run the intro classes and oversee open training session(not coach, just run).


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