... that it is a simply, plainly, purely magnificent day outside and this morning's was the looooveliest ride I've had to work in quite a while.

I am so thrilled every morning when I wake up and remember that I live and ride bicycles in Chicago and I can't believe I spent so much of my life *not* living here and- even more!- not riding bicycles!

I hope everyone is having a really wonderful day and can take a lunch break outside and soak up some sun and feel very, very content.

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Replies to This Discussion

I would just like to chime in as a year round commuter. I prefer my night time rides home in the snow when it's quiet and I'm it. The Commute I'm about to ride through Lincoln Park/Depaul on a night like this makes me wanna carry something unfriendly.

Snow is wonderful ;-) Don't harsh my winters! :-)
This makes me sad because I've had to be off the bike for three days because of an overuse injury in my wrists. :(

I'll be back in the saddle next week though. \o/
Gabe I'm right there with you in the winter -nothing better than a tranquil commute up or down the lakefront, even with icy winds in your face.. but something about this time of year, particularly the next few weeks, makes me even more happy to be out riding. And happy to see other people outside, even if they're not the year round hardcore. I don't even mind the hell of Lincoln or Clark with all the drunken dbs and cabs.. or the LFP for that matter too- I plan on a ride up and down it tomorrow morning, and even if its crowded as all f*ck I'm going to enjoy the view / atmosphere!
Every winter biking is all that keeps me sane. even then, when it's 50 and rainy out in March I am about ready every year to throw in the towel and then move back South. this year's been temperate early and I have high hopes for this summer being blazing hot and awesometastic. so far it's been more fun than I have ever had.

Rat Patrol had a pig roast Sunday and I brought some non-gutterpunk friends and man did we have a blast. I mean, look at Sara's face...

I feel that is a very flattering pic of my behind; ladies take note.

Watermelons are a huge pain to bungee though...

Sue C. said:
Every winter biking is all that keeps me sane. even then, when it's 50 and rainy out in March I am about ready every year to throw in the towel and then move back South. this year's been temperate early and I have high hopes for this summer being blazing hot and awesometastic. so far it's been more fun than I have ever had.

Rat Patrol had a pig roast Sunday and I brought some non-gutterpunk friends and man did we have a blast. I mean, look at Sara's face...

doug - I do not see your behind at all . I have selecto-vision : I only see what I want to.

notoriousDUG said:
I feel that is a very flattering pic of my behind; ladies take note.

Watermelons are a huge pain to bungee though...

Sue C. said:
Every winter biking is all that keeps me sane. even then, when it's 50 and rainy out in March I am about ready every year to throw in the towel and then move back South. this year's been temperate early and I have high hopes for this summer being blazing hot and awesometastic. so far it's been more fun than I have ever had.

Rat Patrol had a pig roast Sunday and I brought some non-gutterpunk friends and man did we have a blast. I mean, look at Sara's face...

heheheh... i realy like the lake during winter. click on the pic!

igloo, icebox

Just admit it, right now you are thinking about my round, muscular, butt.

You can't stop.

It's inside your head.

dan brown said:
doug - I do not see your behind at all . I have selecto-vision : I only see what I want to.

notoriousDUG said:
I feel that is a very flattering pic of my behind; ladies take note.

Watermelons are a huge pain to bungee though...

Sue C. said:
Every winter biking is all that keeps me sane. even then, when it's 50 and rainy out in March I am about ready every year to throw in the towel and then move back South. this year's been temperate early and I have high hopes for this summer being blazing hot and awesometastic. so far it's been more fun than I have ever had.

Rat Patrol had a pig roast Sunday and I brought some non-gutterpunk friends and man did we have a blast. I mean, look at Sara's face...

I think I just vomited a little
Quit dissin' my melons.

Michael A said:
I think I just vomited a little
This thread was started out of bike joy and Chicago beauty, YOUR MELONS SOURED IT

My melons are part of Chicago's beauty.


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