... that it is a simply, plainly, purely magnificent day outside and this morning's was the looooveliest ride I've had to work in quite a while.

I am so thrilled every morning when I wake up and remember that I live and ride bicycles in Chicago and I can't believe I spent so much of my life *not* living here and- even more!- not riding bicycles!

I hope everyone is having a really wonderful day and can take a lunch break outside and soak up some sun and feel very, very content.

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so who's gonna start the I Can't Get Enough of notoriousDUG's Round, Muscular Melons group?

notoriousDUG said:
Quit dissin' my melons.

Michael A said:
I think I just vomited a little
Ok now I just threw up in my mouth.. thanks.

Michelle Green said:
so who's gonna start the I Can't Get Enough of notoriousDUG's Round, Muscular Melons group?

notoriousDUG said:
Quit dissin' my melons.

Michael A said:
I think I just vomited a little
whoever does, should be banned from chainlink

Scott Hawley said:
Ok now I just threw up in my mouth.. thanks.

Michelle Green said:
so who's gonna start the I Can't Get Enough of notoriousDUG's Round, Muscular Melons group?

notoriousDUG said:
Quit dissin' my melons.

Michael A said:
I think I just vomited a little
I tell ya, people, you malign a man's melons at your own peril.

Dangit, I was gonna call out the craziness in these folks who actually like that fucked up season known as Winter, hoping that was gonna be the start of the first argument and here you all are dissing on Dug's melons.

It's what I get for being late to the show today.

Michael A said:
whoever does, should be banned from chainlink

Scott Hawley said:
Ok now I just threw up in my mouth.. thanks.

Michelle Green said:
so who's gonna start the I Can't Get Enough of notoriousDUG's Round, Muscular Melons group?

notoriousDUG said:
Quit dissin' my melons.

Michael A said:
I think I just vomited a little
And here we go!

Shay said:
How much do you want to bet this lovely thread ends in some sort of argument? ;-)
I usually only think about Doug's round muscular behind when I'm alone with the lotion but i'm glad i can shout it from the rooftops now! ;-)


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