The Chainlink is partnering with The Chicago Reader to offer free bike valet at Pitchfork Music Festival Friday, July 13 through Sunday, July 15th.
We are looking for a few volunteers to work at the valet in exchange for a cool Reader Bike Village t-shirt and free day pass to the festival.
Duties include (when not enjoying the music inside the festival grounds) : help watch bicycles and chat about local bike resources and events.
Email with your time slot preferences.
Time slots to volunteer include:
Friday 2-10 PM (time is flexible) - 7 slots
Saturday AM 11:30 - 4:30 PM - 7 slots
Saturday PM 4:30 - 10:00 PM - 7 slots
Sunday AM 11:30 - 4:30 PM - 7 slots
Sunday PM 4:30 - 10:00 PM - 7 slots

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That's what I meant... Ok

I'll help out; how about Friday? 

I emailed and got a response. Just give her a day or two

I think almost all the spots have been filled so if you are interested, email Ginny sooner than later.


We will make sure Ginny responds to everyone.  She may just be behind on getting back.

My comment on Friday was that most of the spots were filled, not all.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

May be I'm just old fashioned to expect at least a courtesy of an answer, if not personally to my e-mail, then here on the Chainlink.

Something like, "Thank you all who offered help. Sorry I can't reply to every one."

As some (or even many) of you know, I volunteer my time to a lot of events, not expecting anything in return . . . except, perhaps, a thank you.

FU, gcook.

Thanks. Ginny said they have received tons of requets even this morning and are sifting through them.

We're all full! Thanks for the interest and enthusiasm!

Bummer ... I just got an email that they had some last minute restrictions on staff so my help won't be needed. They did offer some free tickets to other events for the trouble. Oh well!


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