The Chainlink

I have to say that the best biking experience is when I have to go through Pilsen.  Twice today (TWICE) at a stop sign intersection the driver waited me out, I think one of the guys put his car in park.  Some neighborhoods are different but Pilsen is the area where I consistently get cool drivers who have the most respect for bikes.  Might be only my personal experience but it's solid and I figured I'd mention it amidst the oft 'cars are bad' bits that get dropped here.


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At the risk of sounding like a cheerleader for my part of town, I looooove traversing Pilsen on my bike travels.  When I ride in any other part of town I'm almost always made aware of how stress-free the local riding is.

Gotta take exception to that map though... clearly some idiot realtor's concoction. Neighborhood boundaries have never been major automotive thoroughfares.  Pilsen is bordered on the east by the tracks just east of Canal, on the south by the Sanitary Canal, on the West by the Douglas branch (roughly Paulina) and on the north by the tracks between 14th and 16th.


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