Just a little extra facing for a meeting Sunday 2/23 at 4 at Harbee's Tavern...


There are a number of folks I can think of who may be interested that I don't have contact info for, so please pass this along if you think of anyone.


Please consider yourself invited and encouraged to attend the inaugural meeting of the Pilsen/Little Village bicycle alliance, this Sunday from 4 to 5:30 PM at Harbee's Tavern, 1345 W 18th Street (quiet back room.)

The purpose of the meeting is twofold:

1) To see who's interested in having an active organization (PLVBA or whatever you'd like to name it) to work long-term for better conditions for cyclists in our part of town, and what sort of vision we may collectively have.
A possible mission/purpose of such an organization can be viewed here:

2) To give Maggie Melin of Active Transportation Alliance opportunity to introduce a new City of Chicago walking/biking/transit initiative called "Go Pilsen."

No RSVP necessary but it would be good to get an idea of who's hoping to attend-- let me know individually or per phone/text at 773 710-4143.

If you'd like to attend to talk about your own initiative, get petitions signed, etc. I'd definitely prefer that you got in touch first.


Howard K

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Women Bike Chicago meeting today at the same time.  Maybe of interest to Pilsen/Little Village Bike People is that our big event this year will be at Dvorak Park in Pilsen.  We are hoping to attract women from the area who are interested in riding bikes.

Our blog post about the event.

Our event registration page.

We will keep in touch. Thanks.


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