I took a walk today and walked along the construction area for the North Branch Trail extension.  It should be a nice trail.  These are pictures of the 1st phase construction.



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Thank you... I should have mentioned that.


This is great! You can get a real feel for the project. Thank you Tom Z!

Spring is here... Hopefully soon the green will be coming around. It will make this look so much nicer.

North Branch Trail Second Phase Delayed As Price Tag Soars    https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160322/forest-glen/north-branch-t...

Ugh. I can't seem to lower my expectations enough for them to be accurate! ;) lol

Thanks for posting this Tom. Very cool.  Progress!!

Again, this is great, Tom, but the completed trail to Foster and Kostner when Phase II is finally scheduled - so that it can connect to the future bike path at Weber Spur. Only Phase I is currently under construction; Phase II bids were too high again!?!! How long must we wait for completion of a bike path that began its initial discussions in the late 2000s...?

Jim where did you hear that there's a problem with the bids for phase 2?  

The info about the bids is in the article that I posted the link to. Please check my previous post of 10 hours ago.

So, according to this link:  


---this is the answer?:  " It is unclear how long the second part of the phase will now be delayed, officials said."

I went by the trail this weekend... Nothing major has changed in the last couple of weeks... The biggest thing is more of the cement pillars are completed for the bridge over the train tracks. 

I went to the Forest Glen area of the trail today.

Here are a few more pictures:




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