So I am going on a random trip to Philadelphia. I was wondering if anyone had any experience biking around the city. I am going to be staying downtown at the Four Seasons. Anyone who has been and has ideas of things to see and do would be greatly appreciated.

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missing the birthday party. :(

But, I just realized that if you mix up Philadelphia, you get PEDAL PHILIA(H),

And what are we all if not Pedal-philes? Have fun in Philly!
well, biking in philly is easy because it's small, but the drivers are horrible. way more aggressive than here-i definitely got screamed at far more often than here. also, people drive really really fast all the time, blow through stop signs and jump the gun turning left on lights: be warned! also, my former preferred method of going to west philly from center city, south street bridge, is currently closed. i am terrified of the expansion joint on chestnut (but never fell on it). have had plenty of trolley track falls.

i always hated riding in center city--don't be fooled by the supposed bike and bus only lane heading east on chestnut either! it's a terrible street to ride on (unless it's late and there isn't traffic). also, better than heading west on walnut is the street just north--sansom--also a one way, much smaller, but no bus, and far fewer cars. i'd say, if it makes sense, ride north of center city to an east-west artery, spring garden, with a bike lane. always felt pretty safe on it. also good if you're heading east (and then north) to a show at, say, johnny brendas or kung fu necktie. south street can be ok if you're headed east but is sometimes annoyingly one lane with a lot of traffic. washington, south of center city, has bike lanes, but is really busy but can be close to vietnamese and mexican restaurants, the italian market, and brunch.
If you're riding on Sansom Street, be sure to check out the Nodding Head, a brewpub upstairs from the Sansom Street Oyster House at Sansom and 15th. That's if you like beer. Those of us who do are quick to assume the whole world does. Also, Monks Belgian Cafe at 16th and Spruce is good.

emily said:
well, biking in philly is easy because it's small, but the drivers are horrible. way more aggressive than here-i definitely got screamed at far more often than here. also, people drive really really fast all the time, blow through stop signs and jump the gun turning left on lights: be warned! also, my former preferred method of going to west philly from center city, south street bridge, is currently closed. i am terrified of the expansion joint on chestnut (but never fell on it). have had plenty of trolley track falls.

i always hated riding in center city--don't be fooled by the supposed bike and bus only lane heading east on chestnut either! it's a terrible street to ride on (unless it's late and there isn't traffic). also, better than heading west on walnut is the street just north--sansom--also a one way, much smaller, but no bus, and far fewer cars. i'd say, if it makes sense, ride north of center city to an east-west artery, spring garden, with a bike lane. always felt pretty safe on it. also good if you're heading east (and then north) to a show at, say, johnny brendas or kung fu necktie. south street can be ok if you're headed east but is sometimes annoyingly one lane with a lot of traffic. washington, south of center city, has bike lanes, but is really busy but can be close to vietnamese and mexican restaurants, the italian market, and brunch.


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