My Phil Wood rear hub crapped out on me last night on the ride home. Had to load the bike onto the bus and get home that way... how frustrating.

The bearings are shot and I'm looking around for replacements.

Does anybody know a shop that will have 6902 size sealed bearings in stock?

I really want to get these today. I've called around to three shops so far with no luck.

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Which rear hub is it?  I've been looking at those and wondered if they stand up to many miles of riding.  I feel like I beat the heck out of my rear hub (SRAM 506) - 13,000 miles and still spinning smoothly.

It is a rear 130 mm freewheel touring hub I bought back in 2007 or 2008 (I think). I have put the thing through its paces over the years, and I don't know how many miles are on it, probably at least 15k. The hub is solid and I'm sure that it will spin smooth once again with some new bearings.

Hi Ryan,

I bought my phil hubs from Licktons/oak park around 1992. He still offers them via website but am not certain they are stocked. I replaced front and rear bearings in 2011but ordered from amazon as Bob didn't have any in stock. I can share my order details if interested or helpful.

I can't part from mine either and built up some new wheels around them back in 2013  ;)


Thanks for the comment, Bill. 

After calling around to more bike shops, I bite the bullet and ordered directly from Phil Wood. They seemed to have the best shipping time at a reasonable price, which will get me back on the road more quickly.

Glad to hear your hubs are still running strong.

Someday I'm going to open a shop and I guarantee you that I'll stock Phil and other super awesome bicycling accoutrements :) . I'm so happy someone else needs a local shop with something other than shimano, sram (campy)!  

I saw this too late, but 6902 is a standard cartridge bearing that should be available at any local bearing house.  Very few bearings are custom.

I think depending on the vintage of the hub... I bought both the 6902 and 6001's but I don't recall which set went in the rear hub...I found the email from Mark at Phil Wood;

The bearings used in our hubs vary according to which
generation the hubs are.
           as well as to what type of hub, track, road, freewheel,
cassette. Also if the hubs
           are a field serviceable or non-field serviceable type. Your
15 year old hubs are
           just on the cusp of being either one of the two. If it would
be possible to email
           a couple of photos of the hubs our way so we may actually see
them it would be
           a great help in making sure we tell you which bearings you need.
           Also please note that if your hubs are of the non-field
serviceable type we do
           highly recommended that the hubs be sent to us for bearing
service as there are
           special fixtures as well as a Arbor press needed to service
the hubs correctly as
           not to damaged the hub shells.

I'll go along with djm. Some, okay, many, years ago, I replaced the bearings in some American Classic hubs. (Similar design to PW.) I just took the old ones to a local bearing supplier near where I worked and they pulled them right out of stock.

Did you try Lickton's on Lake and Ridgeland?  Suprised you need them, mine are at least 20 years old and still going.  Have about 58,000 miles on mine. Lickton's built the wheels for me back in 1996 or 1997.  

Did not try Lickton's. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep them in mind for the future. 

I suspect that the reason my bearings wore out prematurely is my fault. My frame is an older one with 126 mm rear dropout spacing. My hub is a 130 mm with cartridge bearings. I never had the frame dropouts spread to account for the 4 mm difference.  According to Sheldon, you can get away with this easily with a loose bearing type hub, but cartridge bearing hubs are less forgiving. 

Perhaps this is the kick I needed to have my frame re-spaced. Anyone have a recommendation on a shop that can do this operation reliably?

I had a freak accident a few years ago and knocked my rear dropouts out of alignment. Get-a-Grip on Irving Park did a great job of re-aligning them. You might want to give them a call and ask about spacing.


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