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This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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today, there were a couple of black kids walking on 3000 block of logan blvd w/ two puppies to sell -- recalling, i suspect the little hoodies kidnapped the pups from the neighborhood. no, i did not act on the moment, just decline the offer.
those pups are just adorable....!

isabel alvarez said:

this is gracie the soon-to-be 14 year old chocolate lab.

she loves swimming and laying around the house, and eating.

she also loves the chainlink !


dan brown said:
those pups are just adorable....!

isabel alvarez said:




Julie Hochstadter said:

I don't have access to my pics right now, but does anyone else have pets who LOVE to be near/on rub up on bikes?

When Rami was a kitten, he couldn't get enough of laying near my pile of bikes.

Winston goes ape everytime he sees someone on a bike near us. We think he thinks it must be a friend since we are always hanging around bike folk. or he thinks its dan going to take him for a ride/run. 

Julie Hochstadter said:

I don't have access to my pics right now, but does anyone else have pets who LOVE to be near/on rub up on bikes?

When Rami was a kitten, he couldn't get enough of laying near my pile of bikes.

Our angels (not!).

Must be the road salt... my old Nemo loved soap suds on the shower curtain. Go figure...

Julie Hochstadter said:




Julie Hochstadter said:

I don't have access to my pics right now, but does anyone else have pets who LOVE to be near/on rub up on bikes?

When Rami was a kitten, he couldn't get enough of laying near my pile of bikes.


This is Loki- we adopted him in November, 2010. His favorite past time is looking out the window, directly from the window sill:

Trumer of North Center (driven by her human).


Trumer is a cutie!

I am hoping to get Loki to go in a trailer nicely so we can take him on trips with us. I can only hope he will stay nicely inside of it like Trumer does.

leyzdoo said:

Trumer of North Center (driven by her human).


Jack Russell named by my little rascal, so creatively SPOT.




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