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This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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Maggie: Mags, Maggers, Hound, sniffer

Julie Hochstadter said:
What's your pets nickname?

Mine are:

Rami = Ramadan, Ramadandan, Ramero, Ram, Kitten

Stevie Nicks = Little Girl, Cindy (nephews like to call her that).
this is smokey hes a year n a half of pitbull/rhodesian ridgeback mix. i ALMOST have him bike/leash trained so he might come out on a ride soon when its not so hot but watch your beer, he likes to knock over peoples been n drink em

macy grayscale (or william h. macy) and josie.

new/old pictures

Say hello to Thundercleese:







Buster the Mastiff being silly...

The Tennis ball was added for scale...

And finally Buster at 5 weeks old...

Are you a photographer or is Thundercleese just extremely photogenic?

Wesley Dolezal said:
new/old pictures
Say hello to Thundercleese:


Nathan, when do I get too meet the crew? Planning another euchre night by any chance?

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
Buster the Mastiff being silly...
It's the kitty

Julie Hochstadter said:
Are you a photographer or is Thundercleese just extremely photogenic?

Wesley Dolezal said:
new/old pictures
Say hello to Thundercleese:


Huckleberry (the dog) aka "Face"
Chicago (the cat) aka "Old Man"

Julie Hochstadter said:
What's your pets nickname?

Mine are:

Rami = Ramadan, Ramadandan, Ramero, Ram, Kitten

Stevie Nicks = Little Girl, Cindy (nephews like to call her that).

Kianto is the black lab on the left, Spike is the pit bull in the middle. Sappho is my senior cocker spaniel, she is 13 years young. She had gotten really muddy before this picture was taken so she looks a little more like a giant rat.

Forgive the quality, it was on a very old phone of mine.
I don't have access to my pics right now, but does anyone else have pets who LOVE to be near/on rub up on bikes?

When Rami was a kitten, he couldn't get enough of laying near my pile of bikes.


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