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This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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What a doll!!!

Sol said:
The newest chainlink pet adopted April 3 from Chicago Animal Care and Control--His name is Munchie!

From left to right: Kippie, Pickles, Dottie, and Poekie, in our backyard

Cookie, in his favorite position

Gang of five:

This is what you'll find if you visit Felines, Inc. rescue on Devon:

Heeerrrrreeee's Maggie!
Jack, that picture makes me want a nap very badly.

Jack said:
Heeerrrrreeee's Maggie!
what an awesome looking 'family'. I bet there are lots of laughs generated from all those young'ens...

Rachel said:
Gang of five:

What's your pets nickname?

Mine are:

Rami = Ramadan, Ramadandan, Ramero, Ram, Kitten

Stevie Nicks = Little Girl, Cindy (nephews like to call her that).
winston =

winnie, winners, winnie poo, stinkers, stink bomb, shit head, winnie-bago, bagels, big head, big head no nuts, sir humps-a-lot, sir stinks, and of course...'no'

Julie Hochstadter said:
What's your pets nickname?

Mine are:

Rami = Ramadan, Ramadandan, Ramero, Ram, Kitten

Stevie Nicks = Little Girl, Cindy (nephews like to call her that).
Minsky and Ada:


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