Petition President Obama to ride in the 2013 Ride of Silence

Now this is a truly worthy cause.

Chris Phelan, founder of the Ride of Silence, has started a petition at to see if we can get President Obama out on his bike on May 15th in support of the cause. In order for the petition to be considered by the White House, the petition must have 30,000 signatures by February 15th.

Click the link below to sign up:




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Oh - beg pardon for the repetition! My bad....

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

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I'm continually bombarded with petition emails and usually sign a handful a day, but didn't know the white house had their own deal until the other week when I heard a story on NPR. Apparently they upped the signature requirement a couple times and most recently to 100,000. Bummer, I guess, but perhaps a much needed wake-up call to people who think Democracy is signing petitions and are treating important issues like 'likes' on Facebook. I know President Obama would love to make it to your nephew's BBQ and Bingo fundraiser for childhood onset tooth cancer, but he's a busy man.


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