The Chainlink

Had a Comcast van driver sideswipe me on Lincoln southbound today, between the Paulina station and Belmont intersection. Side of the van touched my person. I screamed (scared the shit out of me) and started hitting his car with my hand as I stopped. 

He pulled over (without using his turn signal) and proceeded apologized profusely. 

First time I have had that happen, fun times. 

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Renee,  I'm sure that did scare the bejesus out of you.  To be clear you did nothing wrong.  This was entirely the driver's fault.  However, clp is correct.  A good way to reduce your chances of getting buzzed or side swiped is to ride further to the left.  I'm glad you were not seriously hurt.

clp said:

Gee Renee...if you were sideswiped, that means you weren't riding far enough to the LEFT.  At least as far as that van driver was concerned.  Because he apparently thought he could "squeeze" by you.

Next time don't leave any doubt: CLAIM THE LANE!

Since Steven is on vacation, I will suggest on his behalf that you submit a close call to this website. He is collecting data on problem areas for driver/cyclist interactions in Chicago.


Jackie Weiser said:

Since Steven is on vacation, I will suggest on his behalf that you submit a close call to this website. He is collecting data on problem areas for driver/cyclist interactions in Chicago.


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