If anyone is inside and they don't absolutely have to be: go outside right now.  It is sunny, just warm/cool enough to be comfortable, there is almost zero wind, and the lakefront is practically deserted.  I can't remember the last time that it was so wonderfully pleasant outside for a leisurely ride by the water.

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You're right -- it's one in a million out there and I had the rare foresight to bring my bike to work with me today. There will be Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve limestone fouling my derailleur in 90 minutes. Can't wait!
Amazing day!

yes. today is even better!!! I was supposed to meet my GF at my office for lunch outside; her bus didn't come; so I hopped on my bike and met her in the south loop. I was salmoning all the way across the loop and lovin' it...!!!




Quoting Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction: "I'm going, that's all there is to it, I'm fuckin' going."

enjoyed all 42 miles of my ride today!!!gorgeous out there!!

Video from just a couple weeks ago...

Here's what it looked like today on the lake. Perfect fall day.


not a blizzard was in site!!
Enjoyed it.  Supposed to turn tonight or tomorrow...


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