I was going to post this in the barter/share/trade thread, but that doesn't always get a lot of views. 

I was watching a dude on youtube do it, and while it seems fairly straight-forward, I'm slightly afraid I'd mess up. Is there anyone who'd be willing to do it for some beer and a little cash? It's only my one pedal that's getting gummed up so it'd be fairly quick (the dude on youtube did a whole walkthrough and process in less than 20 min, I think.

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What type of pedals do you have?  The procedure and tools needed will depend on what type of pedal is involved.  If your pedal uses cartridge bearings, it'll probably be easier to pop them out and put in new cartridges.

They're wellgo (I think) SPD pedals. I'm not even sure what type of bearing they use.

Have you thought about doing this at one of West Town Bikes' open shop sessions?  Your $10 donation to a very worthwhile organization will get you a stand for an hour, access to any tool you could possibly need, and a little guidance if needed.


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