Well here is another fun ride destination.  



In support of people who live the bike lifestyle and love to try new things, the director of the play La Musica has created a special offer for members of The Chainlink: a few dollars off admission to any performance and a glass of French wine.



Remember to say Let's bike in Paris when you buy tickets.  More details are on the Calendar



The play (a tragic romance, what else do the French know?) will run at two locations on Chicago Ave., both near bike lanes and CTA.  I plan to go for opening night on April 19th, so be sure to say hi if you are there too.  It opens at Chicago Dramatists, just a mile from the very popular and much less refined after-show: Chainlink Bar Night.



Vive le vélo.





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This is awesome! Great work and way to hook The Chainlink community up!

lets take a ride, bring some wine and enjoy that French play after a 'ride in Paris' !!! and get $2 off! x

ho and yes the $2 off if you say let s take a ride in Paris will also be for the shows on April 20 and 21 at Chicago Dramatists, 1105 W Chicago ( just next to the blue line!)

Chicago Dramatists is the venue where Mrs Duppie and I went on our first date, over 15 years ago now.

OOOhh that s great for a first date to go to the theatre.. this show is about divorce, but most of all about PASSION... come bike there on a tandem?!

this is right by me, but sadly ill be out of town for both occasions


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