It has been only about three weeks, that Broadway got it's bike lane markings. Well at the southwest corner of Foster and Broadway(where the Marathon gas station is at), cars are parking in the bike lane, not for a few minutes, but overnight. This causes a dangerous situtation, as you bike across Foster going south, the bike lane starts, but there are cars parked there and you have to going around them. which means 2 lanes of Broadway merging into one lane, and you have to be careful to going around the parked cars.

   Is there anything that can be done? Police should ticket these cars, and maybe they won't parked there.

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Maybe call 311?


It's a $150 fine.  Call 311, & make a cop come. 

From the City of Chicago website:

"Motorists found parking or idling in a bike lane or marked-shared lane will be issued $150 tickets — and may have their vehicles towed.

The same penalty applies to motorists driving in bike lanes.

To report areas with problematic bike lane and marked-shared lane parking, call 311, the City of Chicago's non-emergency services number."

Thunder Snow said:

FYI when I originally called 311 for cars parked in bike lanes, the operator advised to call 911 in order to have a unit dispatched immediately to issue a ticket. That is what I have done since and what is apparently the correct procedure.

Is 911 grounds for bike lane parking?


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