Forwarded from another group.. I assume any inquiries can be directed to Wayne, here's a link for shop number info and address.

Palatine Mayor Rita Mullins has authorized a new bicycle task force. Wayne Mikes of Mikes Bike Shop has agreed to lead this task force. With the eventual goal of attaining "bicycle friendly" status for the village of Palatine the task force will work with the village council, park district and other government agencies to establish a comprehensive bike plan for purposes of securing grants and other government funding.

This funding will be used for such cycling projects as establishing bike routes and trails, bike racks and storage near the train station and other shopping areas, promoting cycling events to provide education to both motorists and cyclists and support the Safe Routes to School program. One of our immediate goals is to provide cycling access for the Quentin Rd widening project.

If you live in Palatine and would like to take an active role in the cycling future of the village I urge you to join too. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00pm in the Palatine Village Hall meeting room C. Those that don't live in Palatine can help also. As you ride through Palatine you may see things that could be improved to make your ride safer. Send me your ideas and suggestions and I will take them to the task force. Together we can make Palatine a better place to ride.

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This is exciting news. I live in P'town and would love to see it become more bike friendly as it has a lot to offer for cyclists. Quentin Road, especially north of Dundee, should have a dedicated cycling lane. The train station parking is not sufficient for the number of bikers when the weather is good. Some more racks should be added.

I hope to attend the meeting.
I comute to work on my bike from Lake Zurich in Palatine. There are not any bike lanes, heck I'm lucky there is a shoulder to ride on. A least in Lake County there are mostly shoulders. Going in to cook county there is no shoulder or a curb. The Bad thing about Northwestern Palatine that most Neighborhoods don't connect to each other. there is no good way to get from lake county into Palatine.
The next Palatine Bicycle Task Force meeting is this Wednesday February 18, 2009 at 7:00 PM Village Hall meeting room C. For more information contact Harry Spila 847-359-9027.


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