Hey Everyone!! 

If you don't remember, I posted some questions about a ride from Seattle to San Fran, and a touring bicycle. Well the days are finally winding down until my journey officially begins...

please follow my blog @  plantpoweredpedalist.blogspot.com

I will also be posting on my facebook account. You can find me @ https://www.facebook.com/jakki.cafarelli

please feel free to repost links to my blog and PLEASE comment on my blog as well! Your words will help me push through those rough days and any positive reinforcement will be taken to heart. 

Thanks again to all those who gave me advice on getting me to this point. 

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Can't wait to live it vicariously.  Safe and fun travels, and I am passing on your links.

Good luck! I hope the Seattle weather holds out for you, it's hit-or-miss this time of year (and guaranteed rain by the end of October). Sorry I missed your original thread, I lived in Seattle for six years!

Happy riding! You'll love every second.


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