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I can't figure out why so many people hate her so much.
This sort of cynicism frustrates me more than a thousand Sarah Palins.
There are some good people who go into governing for the right reasons, and we need to recognize and support those individuals rather than dismiss them with blanket statements.

Jack said:
I see things this way: Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, independent, or Green supporter, the politicians are campaigning for the same thing: getting enough votes to retain or gain office. If there is enough public support to get them in by telling voters they will fix all of the problems without raising taxes they will do it. Then "govern" in the best interest of their party or vote against the other evil party (pick a side, it goes both ways).

Republicans routinely vote against an idea that comes from a different political party. Democrats do the same thing. In fact, a lot of the ideas are similar, but it can not be good for the nation unless my party came up with it.

Getting in a huff about whether or not Sarah Palin should have a show on Discovery Channel helps her out by publicity. If you don't agree with what she is about and says, then don't watch. Its a free country, you can avoid the show. If you like her, watch her show.

We could always develop a Federal task force to determine what is healthy to watch and what beliefs are determental to society... or we could just live by the freedom of choice and save some money and effort.

Petition for more bike infrastructure funding. That is a cause I can get behind. Whether or not a former (and maybe future) politician is on a cable channel isn't even on the radar.


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