Hi -I just walked out to my bike this morning to find my seat/post stolen. I guess it was going to happen sooner or later, however, I am wondering what is the possibility of replacing it somewhat cheaply? Does anyone know of places that sell used parts - similar to junk yards for cars?

Im assuming that its going to be fairly expensive to replace the seat/post (new) as it was a suspension post, gel seat and quick release. It came with the bike (Giant Cypress - maybe 4 years old?).

Any advice would be great. Thanks

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No, sorry. I am pretty useless when it comes to parts on my bike. But thanks for the offer. I suppose it will be best to just take it somewhere.

M.A.R.K. said:
Do you know your post size?

I have a lot of posts sitting around..
M.A.R.K. - you are the best.. bikepedia is a great site. Thanks again.

M.A.R.K. said:
Well looking the bike up on bike pedia, it looks like all models are 27.2 mm.

If you don't need much more than a few inches, I've got a cheap black seatpost you can basically have.
Thanks for the offer. Turns out I need a post that is a difficult size. But thanks again.


vxla said:
If you don't need much more than a few inches, I've got a cheap black seatpost you can basically have.


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