Open letter to the woman in the hunter green CRV in Rogers Park 9/8 ~ 6:45:

Long time reader, first time writer. I really wanted my first post to be something profound or thoughtful, not ugly. I apologize in advance for this:

Dear Madam,

I was riding my bicycle in Uptown/Rogers Park this evening when I did a rolling stop through a stop sign performing a left-hand turn from Magnolia Ave to Rosemont Ave. I was following the traffic that had already stopped and proceeded through the intersection. At this time I did not see your vehicle.

I will admit, I was in the wrong and made a mistake rolling through the intersection. My transgressions, however, does not give you the right to drive aggressively behind me, passing me at high speed at less than one foot’s distance and swerving into my path. This was extremely aggressive driving on your part and not only jeopardized my safety, but the safety of you, the motoring public and other pedestrians.

At the intersection of Devon and Glenwood when you attempted to steer into me to clear your way into the intersection was unfounded and in poor form. I’ll admit, I sprinted ahead of you out of spite, but your continued aggressive behavior – the revving of the engine on a narrow street with heavy oncoming traffic – and the close flowing distance was tremendously unsafe and put many souls – including your own – at risk.

When I confronted you at the stoplight at Morse and Sheridan I simply intended to alert you of your poor attitude toward the cycling public. While following you, not once did you perform a complete stop when one was required. The argument you used (“you never see a cop come to a complete stop”) is totally unacceptable.

A whole different issue is the fact that you resorted to a racial slur. “Chinaman” is not an appropriate name and it is rather bold and brazen of you to use this language considering the neighborhood we were in. I was fearful for your safety while we chatted at the stoplight. If you have to resort to the use of underhanded and derogatory names I pity you and the trite life that you must lead. For your information, I was born in South Korea. You were close, but ultimately incorrect.

Tonight I witnessed a poor example of human dignity and respect. I apologize for not following the rules of the road and sprinting ahead of you in the intersection. I ask that you please accept my most genuine apology.

Sincerely yours,

Christian Nissen
6966 N Sheridan Rd Apt 1A

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I admire your accountability and gesture Christian, and would like to think that writing the letter may have been somewhat therapeutic for you. It is a shame when people overreact in such a threatening way. Hopefully the woman will think about the situation and resolve to act more compassionately in the future. I have also made mistakes similar to yours and been met with hostility and it leaves everyone feeling angry and frustrated. Safe riding to you sir. And again, hats off to you for your civil gesture.
I was right around this area riding at the same time (and live right by here)...that sucks. I'll keep my eye out for a green CRV
This goes great with a big fat dube of dank.
well said. good on you for staying on track and taking the high road.

you are a better person than I would be given the same scenario...

I agree totally with this crap! It's not the car ! It's the person in the car! I was doored, Why, not paying attention! To worried about the FFFREAKING meters! ! Maybe just maybe they should just give a stress test with the road exam; You know put the person in dense place and just see what they would do. I bet that would reduce cars./drivers at least. This is what I believe in Critical Mass rides! They make/ force the drivers to look at us. I mean really look and take notice of everybody riding.These rides shouldn't be troublesome with the cars. They should be very peaceful rides... I live 5-10minutes from there on bike. Christian you should come join us in this Friday's ride it's on the Calendar. Title North~Side Critical Mass Ride ( HAPPY~FRIDAY) IT's very peaceful and family friendly... It's a "BIG BIKE RIDE" with friends. Just are presents give off the meaning. To be aware! of us. Saturday they had a little girl get killed by a driver coming out of an alley.He didn't stop or hesitate. This was in the 6100 block of N. Sacramento . Another ghost bike. I've seen one two many. I believe just less than one year we had 3-4 ghost bikes put - up on the Northside. Not something to be pround of. Great job! I do hope she will get the message/hint! Peace everybody!
Yes, Howard you start it! I'll garther them around to build on a mission. If Jim Redd started "a bike ride" with his friend (1). The next he had another friend (2).. The 3rd month they had brought each a friend . "Just a bike ride"... Man look at it know! WOW! ! :-) mY SHOUDLER HURTS FROM WRITTING TO MUCH TODAY! Why from a door! It's this simple. So the ball is in "OUR" court.

h3 said:
buddaa38 said:
I agree totally with this crap! It's not the car ! It's the person in the car! I was doored, Why, not paying attention!


Well, now we're getting somewhere.

I completely admire the anti-dooring folks for taking action, but I believe expecting drivers to think about the world outside their bubble before they muscle open their door is a battle we're never going to win, at least not to the point where we can absolve ourselves of any responsibility for anticipating car doors.

We need a monster thread where you post a cathartic rant like Christian's . . .
i'm really sorry and disturbed to read of your encounter. i happen to ride through the Sheridan/Morse intersection daily, and the thought of this potentially homicidal person being in the area is chilling.

In my humble opinion though, she lost any right to your apology the moment she took aim at you with a two-ton 100+HP weapon.

She should be done for vehicular assault and you have NOTHING to apologise for.

Be careful out there,
-mike w.


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